Monday, March 22, 2010

Now Voyager

You probably don't get it, Pliny, because you don't know Conrad's Heart Of Darkness. It's a very famous book.

What is it about? asks Pliny.

Colonialism, good and evil, boats. Conrad compares England in Africa to the Romans in Britain.

That's interesting, says Pliny. Tell me more.

No, Pliny, you must read it yourself. You will find the famous quote, Mistah Kurtz, he dead, there.

Well, says Pliny. This other Mr Kurtz, the real estate man, is he dead?

No, I don't think so. If he were, he wouldn't need an office.

Then I still don't get it, says Pliny.

I'm just pointing out, Pliny, sometimes something reminds us of another thing, time and time again.

Ah! says Pliny. Like that big yellow M at the end of your road. It always reminds me of hamburgers.

No, not like that! The big M reminds everybody of hamburgers. I'm talking about more idiosyncratic types of things. For example, every time I go down Magill Road, I pass a boat in a driveway, and the boat is called Voyager, and every time I see it I think: Now Voyager.

Ah! says Pliny. That film with Bette Davis!

You know it?

Oh Jerry, don't let's ask for the moon! We have the stars.

Oh yes! I remember.

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