Saturday, December 25, 2010

Turkey Roll of Wittgenstein

It was the day after Christmas. The special bumper edition of Velosophy has been published to great acclaim. Wittgenstein and Saint Nicholas have made friends and are having a picnic together on the beach.

It's very windy, said Wittgenstein. Even behind this rock.

It is, agreed Saint Nicholas. Never mind, It's just nice to have a day off.

Yes, said Wittgenstein. It is.

What did you do yesterday? asked Saint Nicholas.

Oh, spent the day with my crazy family, said Wittgenstein.

What's in these rolls? asked Saint Nicholas.

I don't know, mother made them, said Wittgenstein. I'm going to throw mine to that seagull.
Look at him facing into the wind.

He threw his turkey roll at the seagull. Immediately three more seagulls swooped down from nowhere. The seagulls fought over the turkey roll of Wittgenstein. Saint Nicholas laughed.

Little gull who made thee, Dost thou know who made thee? he said in a sentimental voice.

It's little lamb, said Wittgenstein.

It tastes like turkey, said Saint Nicholas.

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