Thursday, September 15, 2011

So Often True

The next morning Belle et Bonne received an email.

Bugger! she said. It's from Gaius. He thinks he's promised us an article.

Crumbs! said Marie. I was hoping he'd forgotten.

At least Gustave and Violetta seem to have forgotten, said Belle et Bonne. One out of three isn't bad. I'll ask him to come in and discuss it, shall I?

Okay, said Marie.


Later that afternoon Gaius entered the Velosophy office, to find Belle et Bonne, Marie and a plate of macarons.

Good afternoon young ladies, said Gaius. Better late than never.

Oh Gaius, said Belle et Bonne, that is so often true. Do sit down and have a macaron. Would you like a cup of tea?

Thank you, Belle et Bonne, said Gaius. I do hope my tardiness has not put your magazine to any inconvenience.

As a matter of fact it hasn't , said Marie. We have been extremely busy with our other contributors, one of whom is the famous French philosopher and novelist Albert Camus.

My goodness, said Gaius. Perhaps you do not need my humble contribution.

Oh no, said Belle et Bonne. We do. Have you any idea what the subject of your article is likely to be? I remember your last contribution was a mystery thriller.

I am flattered you remember, said Gaius.

Who could forget? said Marie. You tried to solve the mystery of two disappearing bicycles, and ended up at the local Korean church being mistaken for Jesus.

Just then Sweezus put his head around the door.

Tell me about it, said Sweezus. That happens to me all the time.

But you are Jesus, said Belle et Bonne. Silly boy.

That doesn't make it any less annoying, said Sweezus. Hey! Are those macarons? Awesome! Can I have one?

You may have as many as you like, Sweezie dear, said Belle et Bonne. And would you like a cup of tea?

No thanks, said Sweezus. Have you got a Diet Coke?

Here you are, said Marie, handing him a Diet Coke. Now let's get to work. I've just had a brilliant idea!

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