Monday, September 2, 2013

The Meowter And His Queen

Ageless, here you are! says Belle et Bonne. I thought you'd drowned or something. Look who's turned up!

Bah! says Ageless. It's him! Shape shifter, ravisher of my beloved, expert on otters, half eater of fine books.

You mistake me, says Hideo. I am none of those, except an expert on otters. I have returned the book. Why don't you sit down and have a sandwich.

Ageless looks at the plate of mixed baguettes, now much depleted.

Is there a fish one? he says, sniffing and poking at each one in an unhygenic manner.

I've eaten the fish one, says Hideo.

That confirms my suspicion, says Ageless.

What suspicion? says Hideo.

Otters eat fish, says Ageless.

They also like shellfish, says Hideo. What of it?

Is that a threat? says Ageless.

This one is crab, says Belle et Bonne quickly, thrusting it at Ageless. You might enjoy it.

It's not about the sandwich, says Ageless darkly. This is about his credentials. But I will have the crab one.

He starts picking at the filling with his pincers.

Arthur likes the idea of credentials. He decides to test Hideo.

What's a male otter called? says Arthur.

A meowter, says Hideo.

Vello roars with laughter. A meowter!

David shakes his head.

A dog, says David. That's what we used to call them

A meowter, insists Hideo. And the female is a queen.

That's ridiculous, says Rosie. A meowter! She gets out her smart phone. Taps away. Her eyes open wide.

He's right, says Rosie. If you can believe Wikipedia.

You can, says Hideo. I wrote that article myself, being an expert. Well, thank you for the salmon and cream cheese sandwich. I must be on my way.

He leaves, leaving a mystery behind him.

I had another question, says Ageless. But I forgot to ask him.

What was it? says Belle et Bonne.

What did he do to Kobo in the darkness of the backpack while he was an otter? says Ageless. She said he came upon her from behind. You all know what that means.

No. No one knows what that means, when the victim is a fossilised clam.

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