Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Usefulness Of Knowing

Gaius is packing for China. Trousers, sensible shorts, shirt, thick notebooks, crocs.

You're not taking those crocs! says Margaret. There I must put my foot down.

Gaius sighs.

If only Arthur were here. Or that delightful young Rosamunda Secunda. Perhaps she would know Mandarin. He sends her a text, asking.

Rosamunda, do you know Mandarin?


Rosamunda Secunda is in a cafe in London.

She is waiting for Arthur, who has gone to the pawn shop to redeem Katherine's shoe horn.

She reads Gaius's text. Brilliantissimo! He wants her to go with him to China!

How hard can Mandarin be?

And anyway, she does know......what is it?........

She texts back to Gaius: ni hao Gaius, see you soon.


Margaret, says Gaius. It is possible I may not need you.

And why is that? says Margaret.

Rosamunda Secunda is coming, says Gaius. She speaks Mandarin.

Give me her number, says Margaret. I'll believe that when I hear it.


Arthur enters the cafe.

How'd that go? says Rosie.

Arthur pulls the shoe horn out from his pocket.

Nice one, says Rosie.

Her phone rings. It is Margaret.

I am Gaius's companion, says Margaret. I hear you speak Mandarin.

Ni hao, says Rosamunda Secunda.

The call ends abruptly, after that.


Nonetheless, says Margaret, I know more about placoderms.

She is making a pot of green tea for herself and Gaius.

I know ALL about placoderms, says a voice from the window sill.

It is Lavender.

Can she be believed?

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