Monday, September 21, 2020

A Slow Transformation

The dark clouds have lowered. 

Rain drops splatter, then pour.

How annoying, says Gaius. There's no shelter. We'd better keep going.


Head for those rocks, says Louisa. 

Yes, on KI there are plenty of rocks. They head for them.

They throw down their bikes and crouch under an overhang.

Terence likes this. The rock is like an umbrella.

He points it out to Baby-Glossy.

Umbrella, says Terence.

Squobber, says Baby-Glossy.

No, says Terence. Um-BRELLA!

Be patient with him, says Louisa. He's scared.

Nobber, says Baby-Glossy.

The orange peel ear feels it's time for an intervention.

He's seen a lobster, says the orange peel ear. That's why he said squobber.

How can he see anything in this storm? asks Gaius.

Because, says the orange peel ear, the lobster's right here, behind you.

Louisa turns first.

Ooh! a lobster! 

The lobster is wearing a sea captain's hat, and looks gloomy.

Can it be? Gaius can't believe it.

Captain Louttit?

Non, says the lobster. I am not Captain Louttit. Do you know Captain Louttit?

Yes, says Gaius. I know Captain Louttit. But I see now that you are not he.

I am Captain Nicolas Baudin, says the lobster. Of the famous Baudin Expedition.

Pleased to meet you, says Gaius. What brings you here?

The rain, says the captain. 

Captain Baudin! says Louisa. How come you're a lobster?

It happens to us all, says Captain Baudin. When old sea captains die they slowly transform into lobsters.

True says Gaius. We know many such captains. 

Mean ones, says Terence. Are you mean?

Not at all, says Captain Baudin. Is it still raining?

Yes, says Gaius. We may as well stay and keep dry. Would you care for an orange?

I would enjoy an orange, says Captain Baudin. Oh!

He has noticed the Ear.

Would you like me to save you the peel? asks Captain Baudin.

No need, says Gaius. Terence has more than enough for his competition.

I might need some spares, says Terence. 

I'll save it, says Captain Baudin.

He peels his orange and breaks it into segments. He eats two or three.

I don't see many people here at night, says Captain Baudin. Not these days.

We have permission, says Gaius. We're heading for the Ravine des Casoars. Do you know it?

Alas! Too well! says Captain Baudin.

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