Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Is It Night? Sorry.

 Stage Three is over

Caleb Ewan has won.

Alaphilippe has retained the yellow jersey. (Must be those tubed clinchers).

Sweezus calls Gaius from France.

Yes? says Gaius.

Is Terence with you?

Not at the moment, says Gaius. He’s at a playground.

Who with? asks Sweezus.

Saint Roley, says Gaius. Why do you want him?

Just thought I’d tell him how the Tour’s going, says Sweezus.

How IS it going? asks Gaius.

Not the same, says Sweezus.

Should I tell Terence that? asks Gaius.

Nah, says Sweezus.

What then? asks Gaius. Make it snappy.

This is because it is an inconvenient time to be talking, due to the time difference.

Tell him everyone here looks like a burglar, says Sweezus.

He’ll like that, says Gaius. Anything else I should tell him?

Tell him I’ll bring him back a present, says Sweezus.

Very good, says Gaius. I’ll tell him. Good night.

Fuck, says Sweezus. Is it night there? Sorry.

Yes it is night. And Gaius has realised that Terence should be back from the playground.

What a nuisance.

And it’s a nuisance for us all as well.

What if we agree that, for the time being..... time’s moving faster in France.

It’s still afternoon on Kangaroo Island.

So Terence is not late back from the playground.

Gaius is still searching for fossils with Porntip. The sun shines on the lichen. She's happy.

Arthur and Louisa have not yet reached the burnt regions.

A baby Glossy Black Cockatoo has fallen out of the sheoak.

Its parents are frantic. Wark!

But at least they can see him.

 At the same time in France, it’s three or four days in the future, (and counting).

Look at it this way. We’re now three or four days behind.


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