Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Hastily Convened Meeting

Le Bon David and the VeloDrone are somewhat piqued.

Le Bon David: That old devil Freud has got us by the short and curlies!

The VeloDrone: Yes. It's clear he wants to take us over.

Le Bon David: Well I say, let him do his worst.

The VeloDrone: Very philosophical of you.

Le Bon David: Less work for us. And the readers might like it. He's bound to sexualize everything.

The VeloDrone: I'd like to see him sexualize everything!

Le Bon David: The Dali one, definitely. As to the story of the granddaughter, I rather hope he will. But I confess I am most intrigued with his story about Galileo's experiment. Did Galileo even have a bicycle?

The VeloDrone: He must have done.

Le Bon David: We shall have to wait and see. So, we're agreed then? Professor Freud can join the team?

The VeloDrone: Yes, with the greatest of pleasure. But we must try and retain some semblance of control. I'll tell him he must keep his articles brief.

Le Bon David: Alright. But I suggest you don't say 'brief' .

The VeloDrone: Short?

Le Bon David: No, don't say 'short'.

The VeloDrone: Under 300 words?

Le Bon David: Not 'under'.

The VeloDrone: This is going to be hard!

Le Bon David: ARRGH!

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