Friday, December 17, 2010


Belle et Bonne had made gingerbread men. She brought some into the office.

Here Uncle David, she said, try one of these.

Le Bon David peered into the box.

May I have that one? he asked, pointing to one that was especially rotund.

Yes, said Belle et Bonne. I made that one just for you.

Very nice indeed, Belle et Bonne, said Le Bon David, with his mouth full. And what is this in honour of?

Christmas, said Belle et Bonne. Had you forgotten?

I had, said Le Bon David. I have been busy teeing someone up to write a story for the next edition of Velosophy.

Who is it? asked Belle et Bonne.

Wittgenstein, said Le Bon David.

Wow! said Belle et Bonne. Is he going to give his story a Christmassy flavour?

I doubt it, said Le Bon David.

Well, perhaps you ought to ask him to, said Belle et Bonne. It's to be our special bumper Christmas edition, you know.

I didn't know, said Le Bon David. We've never had one before.

Marie and I decided. We've already got a very special person lined up to write us something.

Oh dear! I'm afraid Wittgenstein is not going to like anyone stealing his thunder.

Don't worry Uncle David. The bumper edition will have room for everyone.

Who is this person? asked Le Bon David. Is he a philosopher? Does he ride a bicycle?

It's Saint Nicholas, said Belle at Bonne. Are you impressed?

No, said Le Bon David. He is no philosopher. And he doesn't ride a bicycle.

He knows a lot about bicycles said Belle et Bonne. I bet he knows more about bicycles than Wittgenstein. And I'm sure he has some interesting philosophies. Anyway, he's coming in tomorrow afternoon to have a chat.

So is Wittgenstein, said Le Bon David, warming to the idea. I hope they both like gingerbread.

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