Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stage 6: Dinan to Lisieux

It was a long and sometimes wet ride from Dinan to Lisieux. Violetta was near the front, hoping to win points in the mid-race sprint. Gustave and Gaius were riding some distance behind.

Gaius: So you say she's brought her paints?

Gustave: Unfortunately, yes.

Gaius: Oh dear. From now on I shall be checking every chateau wall for SPLOSH!es.

Gustave: SPLOSH!es! Good one.


Meanwhile, Farky was recalling his dinner with Cadel Evans' dachshund, Molly, the night before. He thought it had been going rather well:

Molly: Thanks for inviting me, Farky. Most other dogs are too scared.

Farky: Why?

Molly: Because of Cadel. Remember 2008?

Farky: No, what happened?

Molly: At the end of the race, journalists were getting too close to us, and Cadel growled at them: Don't step on my dog, or I'll cut off your head.

Farky: Woooh! Extreme!

Molly: You know Cadel. It was a joke really. Or it became joke in retrospect. Cadel even got some 'Don't step on my dog' tee shirts made, and sold them online.

Farky: Leaving out the bit about cutting off heads.

Molly: Wisely, don't you think? Who would want to wear them if they said that?

Farky: I don't know. I bet some people would.

Molly: Thirteen year old boys, for example?

Farky: Why do you say that?

And Molly had then told him something that made his toes curl.

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