Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stage 13: Pau to Lourdes

It is now Stage 13 of the Tour de France, and Le Bon David and The VeloDrone are again walking their bicycles up a hill. Today it is the Col d'Aubisque, somewhere on the way to Lourdes.

The VeloDrone: These hills! I shall be glad to get to Lourdes.

Le Bon David: Me too.

The VeloDrone: Ah, Lourdes, the home of miracles. How was it that you used to describe a miracle, David?

Le Bon David: A violation of the laws of nature.

The VeloDrone: Yes, yes, that was it. I wonder what young Sweezus thinks of miracles. We should ask him.

Just then Sweezus appeared behind them, although this was not a miracle. He had made a comfort stop, and was now catching up.

Sweezus: Hi guys? Walking? How come?

The VeloDrone: We may walk all the way to Lourdes. We're quite knackered. Strangely, we were just talking about you.

Le Bon David: Yes, we were wondering about your thoughts on miracles.

Sweezus: Miracles? You're asking the wrong guy. I never paid attention in Religious Ed. That was when I used to catch up on my homework.

Le Bon David: But surely....aren't you supposed to have done a few yourself?

Sweezus; Am I? Don't think so. But if you want to hear a real miracle I have one for you.

The VeloDrone: What?

Sweezus: Team Bumptious are leading the breakaway. They're riding like the clappers. God knows why.

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