Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stage 15: Limoux to Montpellier

It is windy on the route from Limoux to Montpellier, but at least there are no steep climbs. Some of the riders are chatting amongst themselves.

Mark Cavendish: Hey, Contador! Do you ever feed your dog garlic?

Alberto Contador: Si! Claro! We eat lots of garlic.

Mark Cavendish: What about your dog, Cadel?

Cadel Evans: Pfffft! Never touch it. Why?

Mark Cavendish: Oh, nothing. Just wondered if it's good for dogs.

Thomas Voeckler: Hee Hee! It would be no good for yours.

Mark Cavendish: That's not funny, Thomas. Bugger off!


Meanwhile, Belle et Bonne and Marie are shopping in Limoux for the picnic tomorrow, when who should they see in the cake shop but their friend Professor Freud.

Belle et Bonne: Professor! It's lovely to see you again. How are you enjoying the Tour?

Professor Freud: There are too many fools on the sidelines.

Marie: That just makes it more fun.

Professor Freud: And none of my friends are here.

Belle et Bonne: Oh poor Professor Freud! Would you like to come to our picnic tomorrow?

Professor Freud: Picnic? Why thank you my dear. I should love to. Are these some of the things we will be having?

Belle et Bonne: Yes. We thought we'd buy lots of Limoux specialties. We'll start with some peradou, an aperitif cake, then we'll have some artichoke with salted liver, and some Limouxine duck, some Limos, which is a sort of stuffed bun, and finish off with some tap, which is chocolate.

Marie: And to drink, we'll have the local white wines, Blanquette de Limoux, and Crement de Limoux.

Professor Freud: I look forward to it. And perhaps we shall find time to discuss Yukio Mishima's book? Have you both finished it?

Marie: Yes we have. Now we understand how Molly the dachshund felt while she was reading it.

Professor Freud: A dog's view! That will be of great interest to me.

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