Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Oh it's GORGEOUS!! cried Lavender when she saw the Crocheted Coral Reef. It's not maths at all!

There were intricate ruffled and crenellated forms of brilliantly coloured marine organisms such as corals, kelps, sponges and nudibranchs in stunning profusion and astounding diversity. There was in addition a bleached white and cream coral reef, and a reef made of plastics, polystyrenes, bottle tops and nylon string. And they were indeed gorgeous.

It IS maths, said Ageless severely. You see these ruffled edges on the corals? As forms grow outwards, increasing in every direction, that is exactly what happens. Ruffling. So space may well behave like that.

Ruffled at the edges? said Rabbie. That would explain a lot.

What? said Lavender. What would it explain?

Why I'm here although I died in 1796. Why you're nowt but an image of a wee shell. Why Ageless here is full o' shite.

Hee hee, giggled Lavender.

Ageless scowled and sidled off towards the refreshments.


Meanwhile Baby Pierre was still sitting glumly at the end of the jetty. To pass the time while he decided what to do next he composed in his head The Ballad Of Baby Pierre.


Baby Pierre is brave young and free
Hey-ho pebble-eye-pee

He was on a quest with his daddy was he
Hey-ho pebble-eye-pee

When Lavender told his daddy to go
Hey-ho pebble-eye-PO!

Baby Pierre just wanted to know
Hey-ho pebble-eye-po

Where the immortal jellyfish grow
Hey-ho pebble-eye-po

Then Ageless his daddy would clearly see
Hey-ho pebble-eye-pee

That the cleverest pebble in the world is HE
Hey-ho pebble-eye PEE!

He suddenly felt a whole lot better.

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