Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Bad Night for Fishing

Lavender had been walking for ages when she came at last to Henley Square. It was late and all the restaurants were closed. There was a faint light coming from the jetty. She walked towards the light.

The light was from a fisherman's torch. Lavender could see a plastic bucket glowing in the torchlight, and she could see things moving in the bucket.

Hello, said Lavender to the fisherman. Have you....?

Caught anything? said the fisherman. No I havent. It's a bad night for fishing.

I wasn't going to ask you that, said Lavender. I was going to ask you if you'd seen any jellyfish in the water tonight. I'm looking for an Immortal Jellyfish in particular.

By Jingo! said the fisherman. You're an interesting specimen! Let me look at you.

Arrgggh! You creepy old man! cried Lavender, turning to run.

No wait, said the fisherman. I meant you are an interesting example of an impression in stone of a fossilised auger or screwpile shell and a member of the Turritellidae family. Stay here and chat with me a while.

Lavender was disarmed. She sat down beside the knowledgeable fisherman.

What is your interest in the Immortal Jellyfish? asked the fisherman.

I want to find it first, before Baby Pierre and Ageless find it, said Lavender.

I suppose that's as good a reason as any, said the fisherman. Why do they want to find it?

Baby Pierre wants to find it because he thought Ageless would like it, and Ageless wants to find it because Baby Pierre asked him to come on a quest. It's my quest too.

This Ageless, said the fisherman, is he a fossil, or a stone?

No silly, he's a lobster, said Lavender. A member of the Seafood family. He's ageless but he's not immortal. That's why Baby Pierre wants him to find it.

Does he want to be immortal? asked the fisherman. Some people think that drinking a concoction of immortal jellyfish will make them immortal, but that shows a distinct lack of scientfic logic.

Oh no, he doesn't want to DRINK it! said Lavender, shocked. He wants to meet it, that's all.

Very commendable, said the fisherman. Well, I can't help you, but I know who can.

Ooh! Who? said Lavender, excited.

Go back to the Esplanade. There's a veritable Parthenon of Sea Oracles there amongst the rocks. Oracular Seagulls, Crabs, Cuttlefish, Pelicans, you name it. Somewhere opposite house number, ummm, 291 I think, you'll find the Oracular Jellyfish. He'll know something.

Did you say 291? asked Lavender. Now I know I'm on the right track. That's Ageless's age, in the morning. Thanks fisherman.

Call me Gaius, said the fisherman, softly.

But Lavender wasn't listening. She was off.

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