Friday, April 5, 2019

Erigeron, Wormwood And Moly

Sikong Shu is bleeding, but not profusely.

Arthur is soaking up blood.

It's not very absorbent, complains Sikong Shu.

It was the first thing I found, says Arthur.

Sikong Shu looks at the red paper.

You tore it out of this notebook, says Sikong Shu. Is it the one Gaius wanted?

It's only page one, says Arthur.

I've stopped bleeding now, says Shu. I think we should try and restore this page one. Page ones are important.

Bound to be, says Arthur.

But he doesn't do it.

Shu spreads the page one on the table, smearing it further.

Does Gaius have a hair drier? he asks.

Arthur is about to say no, when he remembers that Gaius sometimes looks surprisingly coiffured.

He goes into the bathroom.

Yes. There is a small green hair drier in the bathroom cabinet.

Along with several packets, marked Erigeron, Wormwood and Moly.

He takes the hair drier into the kitchen.

Shu dries page one, while Arthur watches.

The blood turns brown and forms a crumpled spidery picture.

Shu sighs. He wishes to broach a subject, but how?

I might go to Lake Jasper after all, says Arthur.

O joy!

Was it the knife fight? asks Shu. You and I fought like two snake beans.

I've run out of money, says Arthur.

I have money, says Shu.

O, foolish!

Let's go and tell David you're coming, says Shu.

Arthur picks up the two knives. And a pencil. Shu picks up page one.

Where's the rest of it?

Arthur is already leaving.

Shu grabs a stack of random notebooks, and hurries after him.

The kitchen is quiet, except for a fridge noise.

No Lavender, weeping.

Because she has gone too.

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