Saturday, April 20, 2019

That's Modernity For You

Twelve minutes later, they pull up in Bunbury, outside the BRAG.

It's a charming old convent, painted pink.

It's open. They all go inside.

Sprocket goes off to find someone who's acquainted with his mother.

Elodie heads for the glass exhibition, in one of the rooms.

Baby Pierre follows her, on his bicycle.

Gaius stands in the foyer, checking his phone.

Nothing from Arthur.

But there is a message from David. Where do you expect to be on Thursday?

He starts to reply, when someone looms up behind him.

Hello, she says, I'm Carolyn, you must be Gaius. Sprocket said you'd be here.

Sprocket was correct, says Gaius. I am here.

He's been telling me about his artistic vision, says Carolyn. It seems your expedition has inspired him.

The gold paint was all his idea, says Gaius. I find it somewhat ridiculous. But that's modernity for you.

You don't like modernity? asks Carolyn. Let me show you around. It's our Biennale. I'm the curator.

How long will it take? asks Gaius.

How long have you got? asks Carolyn.

As long as it takes to recharge Sprocket's phone I suppose, says Gaius.

Good, says Carolyn. Come this way. You'll enjoy it. This year over half of our artists are women.

Very nice, says Gaius.

We had a lovely opening, says Carolyn. Intenso were playing.

You don't say, says Gaius.

They Fed The Gryphon With Their Limbs, says Carolyn. You know it?

Hmm, says Gaius, hoping this will suffice as an answer.

She hums the tune which is difficult, breaking the traditions of time signature, rhythm and chords.

I didn't mean you to hum it, says Gaius.

Ha ha, laughs Carolyn. I tried. Ah, there's Sprocket!

They have entered a room where a video is playing. THE TRIP.

Sprocket is staring hard at concentric circles in different colours revolving hypnotically while strange semi human figures appear and melt away inside it. Turning, walking, expanding, collapsing, to a sound track of voices.

This is cool, says Sprocket.

Yes, isn't it wonderful, says Carolyn.

Have you shown Carolyn your video? asks Gaius.

Sprocket looks annoyed. It's not finished.

Do let me see it, says Carolyn.

Haven't got it, says Sprocket. It's on my phone, in your office, charging.

Baby Pierre skids to a halt at their feet.

No bicycles allowed in the gallery, says Carolyn.

We left Mouldy and First and Second Dirty behind! cries Baby Pierre.

Dear me, says Gaius.

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