Tuesday, August 16, 2022

From The Shimmering Water

There's an oystercatcher flying above us, says Nico. 

That will be Roo-kai, says Belle.

He's my parrot, says Terence.

But a parrot does not have... begins Nico.

Roo-kai descends, and flies beside Belle, at head level.

Just dropping in for a brief report, says Roo-kai.

He's a spy, says Terence.

Was, says Roo-kai. I am not spying now. The carrot is aware of my presence.

How is it doing? asks Belle.

Is this the carrot you mentioned? asks Nico. 

Yes, says Belle. It's making a parallel journey to Le Havre, in the Seine.

The carrot is keeping a course down the middle, says Roo-kai. 

The middle? says Nico. Then it doesn't know much about sailing.

It's a carrot, says Belle. We don't expect it to know anything.

It can only say carrot, says Terence.

It should stick to the proper side, says Nico. Perhaps you should warn it.

I have confidence in the carrot, says Roo-kai. But now I must return. Will you be stopping in Rouen? 

Yes, says Belle. For bubble waffles.

Tell me where, says Roo-kai. And I'll meet you.

Yes, says Terence. And bring the carrot.

Good idea, says Belle. I don't like to think of it making its way through Rouen, past all the huge vessels.

I'll try and persuade it, says Roo-kai.

He flies off.

Hey! calls Nico. Shack Café! 89 Rue Lafayettte!

Roo-kai wheels in the sky.

Got it! says Roo-kai. 

He flies back to the river, and looks for the carrot.

There it is, in the middle. 

A tour boat is approaching, with tourists leaning over the railings. 

What are they looking for?

Impressionist scenes, for which Rouen is famous.

O look papa, a speck of orange on the water!

Very well spotted, Marlene!

But no! says maman. Look closer, and you will see it is a carrot!

Little Marlene is disappointed.

But then, a surprise for the tourists. An oystercatcher swoops down and plucks the carrot from the shimmering multi-flecked water.

The quick-thinking ones get a photo.

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