Friday, August 12, 2022

The Tragic Cardboard

The three frogs hop along the road together.

Hot, isn't it, says Quiet-tartus.

Bien sur, says Parsley. Why not attend for the vélo?

Our vélo is broken, we have only deux wheels, says the knowlesi.

You 'ave your own vélo? says Parsley.

We 'ad, says the knowlesi.

We rode in the Tour de France, says Quiet-tartus. You may have heard of Team Romeo-Knowlesi.

Non, says Parsley. But I know tout about wheels. What type are yours?

Green polyurethane o-rings, says Quiet-tartus. They jamais wear out.

Bravo! says Parsley.

Maybe we should wait for Belle and Terence, says the knowlesi. It's getting so hot.

But we rested on a rock, says Quiet-tartus. They have passed us, probablement.

Allons! says Parsley. Let us hop faster!

Oui, says Quiet-tartus. 

They hop faster, three frogs hopping down the middle of the road, on a very hot day.


Roo-kai has returned, and dropped onto the rim of Belle's bicycle basket.

I didn't see Baby Pierre or Ouvert, says Roo-kai.

What about the frogs? asks Terence.

I saw them, says Roo-kai. There are three of them.

Can't be! says Terence.

A new warty one , says Roo-kai. With green spots.

Are they behind us? asks Belle.

Yes, says Roo-kai. And hopping really quickly.

They're trying to catch up! says Terence. Maybe they heard about the carrot!

We'll stop here, says Belle. Under this tree.

She stops under a tree.

It's not long before the three hoppers catch up.

Huh huh huh, puff the frogs. 

You poor creatures, says Belle. Take a minute to recover. Then tell us who the new frog is. 

Je suis Parsley, says Parsley.

Parsley, says Belle. That's apt. Are you a female?

Oui, says Parsley. I have left a string of 1500 eggs behind in the river.

Won't they need you? asks Belle.

Non, says Parsley. I have joined these boys for the trip to Le Havre. But the day is trés chaud. Peut-etre you 'ave room in your panier vélo?

Sure I do, says Belle. The only other occupant is Terence. 

Because we threw out the carrot, says Terence.

I dropped it in the river, says Belle. Accidentally.

Quiet-tartus and the knowlesi have stopped puffing. 

Parsley saw it, floating, says Quiet-tartus.

That's good news, says Roo-kai. It must have broken free of the reeds.

It's a race! says Terence.

No it isn't says Belle. If it reaches Le Havre at all, we'll probably miss it, and it'll end up in the sea.

The carrot, ending up in the sea!

This brings back memories of the unresolved end of Saint Roley's brother (who floated towards the horizon on a torn piece of cardboard, off the coast of Saint Malo, and was not seen or heard of thereafter) . 

Saint Roley, Roo-kai's hero.

Roo-kai determines to do the right thing by the carrot.

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