Friday, October 6, 2023

I See You Have Special Powers

The wind howls. Its force becomes stronger.

Our end is near! cry the Tzeets.

Their cries disappear in the black swirling atmosphere.

At last, one Tzeet remembers the advice of Roo-kai:

Don't go up top, it's too windy. Stay inside.

But how to get inside the ferry, from up top? 

Maybe one of the sticking-up parts is a funnel?

He looks around. The wind stings his eyes.

The other Tzeet vanishes suddenly.

Alas! Is he lost, my Tzeet brother?

The wind drops for a second, as wind does.

Tzeet! he hears faintly.

It's coming from a hole at the top of the sticking-up part.

He approaches.

Sucked in!

Brother! cries the other Tzeet who is already in there.

There is not much to hold on to.

They let themselves fall.

Woosh. Plop.

They are in a dark room. Music is playing. And there is a colourful moving picture at one end.

What good luck!

The hole has led them to the movie theatre.

What's on?

Who cares?

They have found a safe harbour.

They huddle together, in a comfortable seat at the back.

The movie is about a team of puppies who come to the rescue of humans, using various vehicles.

A meteor is approaching the city.

It lands, boom! making a large hole in the road. But no one is hurt.

The puppies take the meteor to their headquarters, where it gives them special powers.....

At this point the Tzeets fall asleep.

They both dream the same dream.

Two Tzeets find a meteor, which gives them special powers.

Through wind and rain, the Tzeets boldly fly to Tasmania, arriving unscathed.

A stern Albatross welcomes them to Tasmania.

I see you have special powers, says the Albatross. Well done, Tzeets. 

Which way to Melaleuca? ask the Tzeets.

That way, says the Albatross, pointing south west. Shall I come with you?

We'll go it alone, say the Tzeets

At this point the Tzeets wake up, craving snacks.

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