Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ride Like Crazy

It was the first day of the Tour Down Under. But the Classic Down Under Street Circuit didn't start till seven pm. What to do all day?

Kobo had enrolled Team Crustacean in the Ride Like Crazy.

It will be a good warm up, she said.

But what is it? asked Ageless.

Oh, she said vaguely, it's a ride in the hills. Be in Unley at seven am.


Team Philosophe were debating how best to spend the day.

There's the Ride like Crazy, said Sweezus. It's a ride in the hills. It'll be a good warmup.

Sounds cool, said Surfing-With-Whales.

I don't advise it, said Belle et Bonne.

Why not? asked Sweezus.

It's run by the police, for charity, said Belle et Bonne. It's not for the hard men, like you.

Hard men like us, said The VeloDrone. Very good, Belle et Bonne. We ought to steer clear of the police.

Yes, said Le Bon David. We must get serious this morning. I suggest we ride down into Norwood, get a coffee, then make our way down to the beach. We could ride along the foreshore to Henley Square, have a spot of lunch.......

Geeeez! said Surfing-With-Whales.

What? said Sweezus.

I'm going to head out to Willunga, and ride up and down that freaking big hill until I have to bail out, said Surfing-With-Whales. Who's coming?

There was a ten second silence.

I'm coming, said Marie. You deserve it.

Belle et Bonne tried to keep a straight face.

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