Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lucky Margaret.

Ring Ring! Diddley Diddley Dee! It was Gaius's mobile phone.

Blast! said Gaius. Where is it?

The ring tone seemed to be emanating from a shopping bag. By the time Gaius had located the phone, the ringing had stopped.

Blast! said Gaius. I'll never get used to these contraptions. I wonder if it was Margaret?

He peered at the screen. Missed call, it said.

I know that, muttered Gaius. But who was it?

Luckily the phone rang again. Since it was in his hand, it was a simple matter to press the button and take the call.

Margaret? said Gaius. Is that you? I must apologise.....

No, no said Marie. It's not Margaret. It's Marie. From Velosophy. We were wondering how your article was coming along?

Good heavens, Marie! said Gaius. Ahem......article you say? Perhaps you could refresh my memory? I've been rather busy lately....

Seeing Margaret? asked Marie.

No no, not seeing her, said Gaius, but we correspond from time to time...she seems to be very interested in ...well... everything I do. In fact, no..... never mind. What is it you want?

An article combining cycling and philosophy, said Marie. You wrote one for us last year remember? About the two mysterious bicycles outside the Korean church, and how in trying to solve the mystery you were mistaken for the Chosen One.

Oh yes! said Gaius. So I was. Oh dear. I've been so busy trying to avoid... ahem...

Margaret? said Marie. Don't be shy Gaius. Spit it out. You're trying to avoid her?

Not entirely, said Gaius. But only in a way.

I see, said Marie. Lucky Margaret.

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