Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stage Three - Psychology

Stage Three from Unley to Victor Harbor is over. Andre Greipel has won again. Now it is Pasta Party night in Norwood. The Parade is thronged with people. Belle et Bonne and Marie are sitting at an outdoor table with The Velodrone and Le Bon David, eating pasta and drinking white wine.

Belle et Bonne: And then he said, "As if that could happen!". It was all I could do not to laugh.

The VeloDrone: Dear me! How absurd. Do you think he was having you on?

Le Bon David: Sweezus isn't the type to have anyone on. Perhaps he's forgotten.

The VeloDrone: Maybe he meant, "As if that could happen to a starfish!".

Belle et Bonne: Yes, maybe that's what he meant. Here he comes. Why don't you ask him.

Sweezus and Surfing-With-Whales rock up, and sit down at the table.

Sweezus: What's everyone having?

Marie: Seafood pasta. Want some?

Surfing-With-Whales (glancing towards Team Crustacean, who are sitting uncomfortably at the next table) : Seafood? Would that be lobster or crab?

Belle et Bonne: Shush! They'll hear you.

Surfing-With-Whales: It's cool. It's psychology.

Le Bon David (nodding sagely) Ah yes! Psychology.

The VeloDrone: Now then, Sweezus, what's this about Starpuss? Has she come back to life or not?

Sweezus: No, no way.

Ageless Lobster( from the next table): Why don't you ask us?

Decca: Yeah. She's right here in the box. Wanna look?

Surfing-With-Whales gets up and walks over to the box. He kicks it savagely. A burbling sound comes from the depths of the box.

Starpuss: Burble burble.

Surfing-With-Whales: Christ!

Sweezus: Ventriloquism.

Ageless: Ha ha! Psychology!

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