Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Talk of the Town

Someone else was paying attention to Starpuss. Belle et Bonne was having coffee and a San Pellegrino at the next table. She leaned over and looked into the box-on-wheels. So this was Team Crustacean's secret weapon, not their legs. She finished her coffee and made her way back to the office.

The VeloDrone and Marie were busy looking through the mail.

Hello you two, said Belle et Bonne. You'll never guess what I just saw.

Hello Belle, said Marie. What did you see?

Team Crustacean having coffee in Norwood, said Belle et Bonne. It seems they have a new rider.

Not another crab! said The Velodrone.

No, it's not another crab, said Belle et Bonne. And it isn't a lobster. It isn't even a crustacean.

What is it? said The VeloDrone. Let me guess, it's a jellyfish.

You wish, said Marie.

Yes, you wish, said Belle et Bonne. It's a starfish with powerful legs. She's called Starpuss. And guess what else I heard. Team Crustacean isn't disqualified. They've just got to ride with their legs strapped together. And they say this will give them an advantage.

Oh bugger! said The Velodrone. I wish we hadn't dobbed them in.

I told you it would end badly, said Marie. But what about this Starpuss? Does she have to ride with her legs strapped together? I simply can't picture it working.

No, said Belle et Bonne. She's not riding. She's meant to be dead.

Nothing to worry about then, said The Velodrone.

But I saw her twitch, said Belle et Bonne.

Who twitched? asked Le Bon David, coming in through the door.

The Starpuss creature, said The VeloDrone. You won't have heard about her.

Oh won't I? said Le Bon David. You're wrong there. Why, it seems she's the talk of the town!

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