Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Jelly Dialogues - Bob

Sweezus swam out to the two little girls in pink hats, who were not in any sort of trouble.

Do you need help? asked Sweezus?

No, said the first little girl.

Don't talk to him, said the second little girl.

Sorry, said Sweezus. I was just hoping I could help you.

DADDY!!! screamed the first little girl.

I'm going, I'm going, said Sweezus, turning and swimming away.

There was a time, he thought to himself, when this type of thing didn't happen. When children weren't scared of nice people.

He decided to swim to the jetty, before getting out of the water. Then he would go home. Then he would sit down and write something. And he would send it to The VeloDrone. And be recognised as a force to be reckoned with. In the literary world.

He swam towards the jetty, freestyle.


What's he doing out there? asked Surfing-With-Whales.

Saving face, said Marie. We won't see him for days.

I'm off too now, said Surfing-With-Whales. Come and see me at Victor. I'll give you a freebie.

Thanks Bob, said Marie.

Bye Bob, said Belle et Bonne.

Goodbye Bob, said The Velodrone. Thank you for your efforts in the Tour Down Under.

All the best, Bob, said Le Bon David.

Who told you my name was BOB? asked Surfing-With-Whales, scowling darkly.

Sweezus, said Marie. Aren't you comfortable with it?

The mongrel ! growled Surfing-With-Whales. No, I never liked Bob. It's not cool for a surfer.

I don't know, said Belle et Bonne. Surfing-With-Bob. It would be a truer description.

If you weren't such a honey, said Surfing-With-Whales. I'd tell you just where to stick it. Goodbye.

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