Friday, October 6, 2017

Coherent, Until The Cheese

Let's sit in the sunshine, says Jeanne Jugan. The café Casse-Croute Compagnie is nearby.

Good idea, says Maclou. I could do with a coffee, if you're paying.

I'll fix it, says Jeanne Jugan. Come. We should leave, before the children's misdemeanour is spotted.

Indeed, says Méen. Come, Terence and Baldy. Put the visitor's book and pen back on the table.

I'll do it, says Jeanne.

They leave the Musée de Cancale, and head over to the café Casse-Croute Compagnie. They sit outside, on orange folding chairs beside a square table.

Jeanne orders three coffees.

What about us? asks Terence.

Too young, says Jeanne. Now tell me of our mission.

Saint Roley is doing it, says Terence.

There is no such saint, says Jeanne.

He's a young oystercatcher, says Méen.

Gatherer, I suppose you mean, says Jeanne Jugan.

No, says Maclou. Bird.

A remarkable one, says Méen. He speaks fluently. He composes poetry. And is extremely devoted to the elderly.

What's the elderly? asks Terence.

You know, says Baldy. Oyster granny.

I too have been devoted to the elderly, says Jeanne Jugan. My whole life, if you don't count the early days, when I was shepherdess.

A shepherdess, Jeanne! says Maclou.

Oh yes, says Jeanne. I learned to knit and spin wool. Then I worked as a kitchen maid, after which....

The coffee arrives.

Forgive an old woman, says Jeanne. Continue, Terence.

Terence has been opening a paper sachet of sugar. He continues.

He rips off the top and spills sugar all over the table.

Baldy nudges Terence.

What? asks Terence.

The MISSION, says Baldy.

You tell it, says Terence. I have to pick up the sugar.

Baldy takes up the story.

Saint Roley has to teach the other oystercatchers not to be stupid, says Baldy. Because they are stupid.

Why? asks Jeanne Jugan.

It is clear she knows nothing of birds.

They build their scrapes in low places, says Baldy. Then the sea washes their eggs away. Then they build more nests in the same places. We used some red cheeses.

It was a coherent story, up to the red cheeses.

Hum, says Jeanne Jugan. And where is Saint Roley right now?

At Pointe du Grouin with Gaius, a natural historian, and Belle, his team leader, says Méen.

She's not the team leader, says Terence.

She is now, says Baldy. We should have gone with them. Instead of going to the Musements.

Where you met me, says Jeanne Jugan. Everything happens for a reason. I shall go home and get my bicycle. Wait here. I'll be back shortly.


Jeanne Jugan comes back with a rattly old bicycle, covered in webs. She is wearing long black loose pedal pushers, and a loose black tee shirt.

Get in my basket, children, says Jeanne. We are going to Pointe du Grouin, on a mission. What happened to my coffee?

You drank it, says Méen.

Maclou stifles a grin. They both know who drank it.

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