Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What To Do Theoretically

Now the whole conference has gathered.

Osette and Ostelle and the three Osies watch Saint Roley.

Saint Roley watches the cheeses.

Tiny waves lap the scrape gently. Then comes a big one.

Wheeeerrrsh! The cheeses wash away and bob up and down in the ocean, reproachfully.

Did you see that? says Osette.

Yes, says Saint Roley.

Keeps happening, says Osette.

This is no surprise to the cheeses.

The thing is, says Saint Roley. There is a remedy.

Build our scrapes higher up the beach, says an Osie. We know.

You know! says Saint Roley.

Theoretically, says a second Osie.

So much for instructions, says Saint Roley.

What instructions? asks Osette.

The voice of the ocean, says Saint Roley. It told me: Don't use big words.

You haven't, says Ostelle.

But, theoretically, says Saint Roley.

Theoretically what? says the second Osie.

It's a big one, says Saint Roley. Why did you say it?

Which time? asks the second Osie.

The first time, says Saint Roley.

Because we know what to do theoretically, but we don't do it, says the second Osie.

It's like we've been programmed, says Osette.

I can help you, says Saint Roley. First, help me recover the cheeses.

Okay, say Osette and Ostelle.

The oystercatchers, including Saint Roley, wade out to the cheeses.

A heart-warming scene, missed by the watchers.


This is BORING, says Terence. When will my parrot come back?

When he's accomplished his mission, says Gaius. It shouldn't be long.

It may be longer than you think, says Jeanne Jugan. Missions can take a whole life time.

Jumping Jupiter! I can't wait that long, says Gaius.

Me either! says Terence.

Having said that, mine was over before I was ready, says Jeanne Jugan.

How did that happen? asks Belle.

Dudded by the abbot, says Jeanne Jugan.

Typical, says Belle. Who's for another salted caramel?

In this way, they pass the time.

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