Saturday, April 28, 2018

Always Save Me

Outside, on the roof of the train.

Not much to hang onto, says Sweezus.

No, agrees Arthur.

It's okay for Arthur, who leads a charmed life, but what about Sweezus?

He has not thought it through.

The train starts its long descent from the high altitude station.

Inside the train, Lotte and Inge examine their Sea Salt.

Lotte's has formed into lumps.

Katastrophe! says Lotte. I should not have made use of that tissue.

Was it a wet one? asks Inge.

I thought it was dry, says Lotte. And the point of the exercise was recycling, as I understood it.

You can uncrumble the lumps, says Inge. It will be good as new.

She leans over to help Lotte uncrumble the Sea Salt.

And sees something out of the window.

At first it's a foot in holey sneakers.

Then it is two.


In the grand house of Pedro Vicente Maldonado, a cushion is found for the parrot.

Many thanks, says the electronic parrot.

It has excellent manners, says Pedro Vicente Maldonado.

I desire to learn mathematics, says the electronic parrot.

Not yet, says Terence. First you have to learn all my RULES.

What are your rules? asks Mariposa.

I bet I know, says Pescado.

Children! says Pedro Vicente Maldonado. Let Terence spell out the rules to his parrot.

I'm not SPELLING, says Terence. I'm saying.

It's an expression, says Pedro Vicente Maldonado.

I wish to learn all expressions, says the electronic parrot.

It's so SMART, says Mariposa.

It isn't, says Terence. It doesn't know anything. My first rule is, your name is Cherry.

That's not a rule, says the electronic parrot. Why is it Cherry?

Because that was already decided, says Terence.

By whom? asks the electronic parrot.

This parrot is also good at grammar, observes Pedro Vicente Maldonado.

He wonders if he might take possession of the marvellous parrot. Teach it mathematics. Pity to waste such a promising intellect on Terence, who will call it Cherry.

How does this interest you, Cherry? asks Pedro Vicente Maldonado. The largest known prime number.

Dad! says Mariposa.

I know! I know! says Pescado.

Shut UP! says Mariposa. It's Terence's parrot. What's the next rule?

Always save me, says Terence.

What from? asks the electronic parrot.

Anything, says Terence. Unless I want it to happen.

Easy done, says the parrot. Just make sure I know if you want it to happen. In that case I will not try to save you.

That's silly, says Mariposa. What if it's too late?

A good question, and everyone knows it.

Use your own judgement, says Pedro Vicente Maldonado.

And what is the largest known prime number? asks Cherry.

It has only recently been identified, and has over 23 million digits, says Pedro Vicente Maldonado. It is known as M77232917 for short, because 77232917 twos were multiplied to get it.

And one digit subtracted, says Pescado.

Correct, my son, says Pedro Vicente Maldonado.

Show-off, says Mariposa.

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