Sunday, December 22, 2019


Captain Bruni heads up to the kiosk, goes round to the back and opens a locker.

He takes out his oars.

Now to get back to the dinghy, before Terence does something foolish.

He drags the oars down the slope.

The next ferry is approaching. Merde! The dinghy could float out to sea in the wash!

And he has failed to give Terence instructions!

Captain Bruni drops the oars and scurries down to the dinghy.

The dinghy is there, lightly lifting and falling, but not floating.

Terence is not.

What to do? Captain Bruni has left his oars half way up the slope.

First things first, thinks Captain Bruni. Drag the dinghy up onto the sand. Retrieve the oars, and place them in it. Then look for Terence.

He does the first thing first. Then the second thing.

He is now mightily regretting his plan to force Terence to row him back to Kettering.

True, he had been insulted, but not by Terence.

Perhaps he should wait for Arthur, hand Terence over, and then ask the ferry boat captain for a tow.

Yes, thinks Captain Bruni. That's what I should have done. I'll do it!

He makes his way back to the kiosk.

Sits outside on a hummock, waiting for Arthur.

Fifteen minutes later, Arthur turns up, with Jinjing.

Where's Terence? asks Arthur.

Somewhere nearby, says Captain Bruni.

I've got to get back, says Arthur. Where exactly?

Not sure, says Captain Bruni. Last seen close to my dinghy. Perhaps your drone robot parrot might locate him.

I will! cries Jinjing.

Good, says Arthur. I'll get myself a snack and a coffee.

He enters the kiosk.

Jinjing flies down to the shore.

Terence was right This is exciting!

Perhaps he will be in the kiosk, looking at the Spew Balls, having sneaked up there while Captain Bruni was fiddling about in the locker.

In that case Arthur will find him.

Perhaps he will be back at the dinghy, having run up the beach, intending never to return and then changing his mind and returning.

In that case Jinjing will find him.

Perhaps he has waded into the water to single-handedly push the dinghy back onto the sand and been knocked unconscious and drowned in the coastal waters of Bruny Island.

In that case no one will find him (at least not for some time, seeing that he is made of cement and quite heavy).

Let's all think about that for a while.

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