Sunday, March 22, 2020

Problem Is, The Solution

Hello guys, says Belle. Don't come any nearer.

Social distancing, says Marie.

Also the stink, says Belle. What is it?

Alexander-Times-Roman, says Terence. We brought him. We brought ALL the crabs. It's an experiment.

That part of the experiment goes straight in the bin, says Belle.

There is a bin outside the Middleton General Store.

She takes the newspaper containing Alexander-Times-Roman and drops him in it.

Gaius has no objection. But he wonders if the crabs might.

You must be Kierkegaard, says Marie. I'm Marie, Belle's cousin.

Pleased to meet you, says Kierkegaard, stepping forward, then stepping back.

Ha ha, laughs Marie. Isn't it awkward!

Kierkegaard is used to feeling awkward.

Gaius is looking with concern at the foil lined container.

He opens it up.

The stoneware salad bowl containing Alexander-Curly is lower than it should be.

He lifts it out and hands it to Marie.

Aw, says Marie. This crab doesn't look happy.

She rips off the cling wrap.

Alexander-Curly still doesn't look happy.

Nor does Gaius.

The blue glass bowl is in pieces, and Alexander-Groovy has fallen into the red bowl beneath, where his friend Alexander-Retro lies dead, pierced with sharp shards.

A disaster has occurred, says Gaius. It must have happened when the bus hit the pothole outside Victor Harbour.

Do you have travel insurance? asks Marie.

Of course not, says Gaius. Now let me think. What's the best thing to do?

Cut your losses. says Belle. This dead crab goes in the bin with the other one. And the one in the red bowl can bunk in with that crab while we clear the glass out.

Problem is, says Kierkegaard, the solution.

Is that one of your philosophical sayings? asks Marie. It needs some explaining.

Kierkegaard is taken aback. It was a practical observation.

Yes, the solutions will have mingled, says Gaius. And are also contaminated with glass. Question is, is it too late to restart the experiment?

YES! shouts Alexander-Red-Hook from the breakfast bowl which Terence is holding.

NO! shouts Alexander-Groovy. I have a promise to keep!

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