Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Lobster v Crab

Lauren is staying at Belle's place.

Belle arrives home.

You look busy, says Belle.

I offered to help Sweezus with the video, says Lauren. 

O yes, says Belle. The hidden bicycle. Where have you put it?

I was thinking of placing it in the lagoon, says Lauren. In the reeds at the edge, with a bit of wheel showing.

Clever, says Belle.

But, says Lauren, when I ran the idea past Gaius, he mentioned the lobster.

Yes, the lobster, says Belle. That was Du Fresne.

Apparently he led the search party, says Lauren. And yet he gets no credit in the video.

It was a reenactment, says Belle. And Du Fresne had gone home. Or wherever.

If I'm adding a bicycle I can add a lobster, says Lauren.

What a lovely idea, says Belle. Do you have a suitable photo?

I could use a stock photo, says Lauren.

Why don't you? says Belle.

They aren't posed right, says Lauren. 

Like they just got off a bicycle? says Belle. And it rolled away somewhere. And they lost it?

A pose like that would be good, says Lauren. Or in a canoe, bending forward.

Even harder, says Belle. But wait! You should get in touch with Ageless lobster.

Would he pose for a photo? asks Lauren

If I know Ageless he'd love to, says Belle.

How do I get hold of him? asks Lauren.

Reading room at the State Library, says Belle. He's usually there.

Thanks, says Lauren. He doesn't have a phone does he?

Of course not, says Belle. Shall I come with you?

So the two of them take the bus to the State Library on North Terrace.

They go up the stairs.

Ageless is at his usual table, in his usual chair, with a book of constellations lying open at Cancer the Crab.

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