Thursday, January 4, 2024

Old Scoundrel

Hello ladies, says Ageless, looking up from his book of constellations. 

Hello Ageless, says Belle.

Remember me? says Lauren.

Surfing-with-Whales's mother, says Ageless. Nietzsche. The shorts.

I've decided to put that behind me, says Lauren.

Very wise, says Ageless. Do you still practise Reiki?

When requested, says Lauren. Do you need healing?

On and off, says Ageless. Not at the moment. 

I see you're looking at constellations, says Belle. What's that one?

Take a guess, says Ageless.

It looks a bit like a lobster, says Belle.

Then you are more observant than most, says Ageless. 

Cancer the Crab, reads Lauren. I can never work out how they name them. 

Not by likeness, says Ageless. 

Speaking of which, says Lauren, I've come to ask you a favour. Will you pose for a photo?

Certainly, says Ageless. 

He leans forward, placing his dominant claw across Cancer the Crab.

Could you try and look as though you're in a canoe? asks Lauren.

May I ask why? asks Ageless

He could sit in a beanbag, says Belle. There's one over there in the corner.

Pause! says Ageless. Do I detect a hidden agenda?

I should have explained, says Lauren. I need a photo for a video I'm photoshopping.

And how do I fit in? asks Ageless.

You'll take the part of Du Fresne, says Lauren. He led the search party for the two orange-bellied parrots that Gaius sent to Tasmania by ferry.

Aha! says Ageless. Why didn't you say so? Du Fresne's an old seafaring friend. Surely he hasn't been reduced to captaining a canoe?

No, says Belle. But he was in it at the time the missing parrots were found.

By him? says Ageless.

By a quoll, says Belle. The quoll was nearby.

This begs many questions, says Ageless. Before I consent to this photo, I must take a moment.

He climbs off his chair, heads for the beanbag and disappears behind it.

Bshhhh Trshhhh Crshhhh Crshhhh .....

Ageless? Is that you, you old scoundrel? the voice of Du Fresne crackles faintly ......

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