Saturday, December 26, 2009

Potatoes and Chocolate

How was your Christmas? asked Pliny the Elder.

Alright. But where were you? said I, in reply.

I took myself off, said Pliny. I do not hold with Christmas. I generally find people eat too much food at Christmas, chocolates and potatoes in particular.

Oh Pliny, I said, as to chocolates you are quite right, but there were precious few potatoes eaten at our house and my mother's on Christmas Day this year.

You surprise me, said Pliny. How did this come about? Were you not planning to cook a great turkey for Christmas Lunch?

I was, and I did cook a great turkey, and yet there were no potatoes roasted or baked with the turkey, because my daughter and I served up two salads instead, and the salads were Watermelon, Feta and Black Olive, and New Orleans Coleslaw. No potatoes.

Perhaps I should have stayed at home after all, said Pliny. That would have suited my No Carbs diet very well. However I recall seeing your Christmas Day To Do list and it clearly said 'Make Potato Salad in the afternoon'.

Pliny! Since when are you on a No Carbs diet?

Since next week said Pliny. It's my New Years Resolution. But what about that Potato Salad?

Oh, Pliny, I did make one. It was for the Christmas Dinner, at my mother's. But I forgot to take it with me. Everybody laughed.

Pliny laughed. Suddenly he stopped laughing.

Does this mean...? he asked.

Yes, it's still here in the fridge and we're having it for lunch today, and probably tomorrow. And Pliny.....?


Help yourself to the chocolates.

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