Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Little Red Monkey

Ten thousand tentacles! cried Anoctopus. I didn't expect it to happen so soon! I've stopped talking again!

What is the person doing now? asked Lavender.

Who cares? said Anoctopus, crossly.

We do, said Baby Pierre. The person has visitors. We never have visitors. We want to know what it's like.

Well let me see, said Anoctopus. Errrrr.....I sense that the person is at Victor Harbor.....I sense that they are very very cold.....

Oh dear, said Lavender. Does that mean that you feel cold as well?

No, it doesn't. said Anoctopus. Channelling doesn't work like that.

I thought it did, said Gaius. But never mind. Why is the person feeling cold?

It's night time, said Anoctopus. The person has been at McCracken Resort with other members of their family who are staying in a luxurious apartment. It was warm in the apartment. Now the person has gone back to a cabin at Victor Harbor Holiday Park with her husband and mother and the heating doesn't work. The person is shivering in bed in the foetal position and rubbing her feet with her socks....

Goodness, said Gaius, it doesn't sound like the person is having very much fun.

Wait, said Anoctopus......Time passes. It's morning...the person is sitting in the back of an eight-seater van wedged between two much smaller people.....and she's singing a song...

What is the song? asked Lavender, enthralled.

Little red monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey, said Anoctopus. I don't know it. Do you know it?

No I don't, said Lavender.

Nor does she, said Anoctopus.

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