Saturday, September 10, 2011

One of a Team

Awww, said Anctopus. The person's tired now.

Why? asked Baby Pierre.

She's had a long day, said Anoctopus. And to make matters worse, she can't get into the computer room because her daughter has gone to bed early and shut the door.

Why does she want to? asked Gaius.

Because she wants to write her blog, said Anoctopus. She is a determined sort of person. But there's nothing she can do.

She could use a laptop, said Gaius. That's what I do when someone is sleeping in my computer room.

That's what she IS doing, said Anoctopus. That's how I know she's tired and she's had a long day.

No it isn't, said Lavender. You channel her. You don't read her blog. What did she do today?

She made a picnic lunch, went to the botanical gardens, a military parade, and two exhibitions, one of Japanese embroidery and the other of modern Chinese art. When she got home she had to colour in some fairies, clean up broken glass, run up and down the passage carrying one child, then another, read Spot's Favourite Toys, sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Row Row Row Your Boat and Incey Wincey Spider. Then wash lots of dishes, and babysit while the children's parents went out to a party.

All by herself? asked Lavender.

No, said Anoctopus. She is one of a team.

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