Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It was late when Gaius and Sweezus arrived at their cabin.

Brrr! It's cold, said Sweezus. Let's turn on the heating.

It's not that bad, said Gaius. Just put on more clothes.

I haven't brought any more clothes, said Sweezus. Look here, Gaius, we're paying for this cabin. We're entitled to some heat.

Alright, said Gaius, reaching up to turn the heating on.

A grinding noise came out of the heater, but no heat.

Damn! said Sweezus. It's broken. I wish we were still in the Camus's apartment. Pity they didn't ask us to sleep over.

They did, said Gaius, but I declined the offer while you were being a penguin.

You really don't like luxury, do you, Gaius? said Sweezus.

I don't, said Gaius. I'm a military man.

I'll have that extra blanket then, said Sweezus.


At six o'clock next morning Sweezus's phone rang. It was Francine.

Come over here for breakfast, said Francine.

We'll be there in ten minutes, said Sweezus. Thanks Francine.

Wake up Gaius! Francine's invited us to breakfast!

Whaaat? said Gaius grumpily. But I've only had a couple of hours sleep! It's been so cold!

Well, I'm going, said Sweezus. See you later!

And Sweezus rode his bicycle back up the hill to McCracken.


Gaius woke up two hours later wondering where he was. Then he remembered. He'd had a freezing cold night, barely slept, and missed a free breakfast. He got up, and went over to reception to hand in the cabin key.

Was everything okay? asked the park manager.

Wonderful, said Gaius.

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