Friday, November 21, 2014


Louis-Claude de Freycinet goes back to the bridge, disconsolate.

All sorted? asks the captain.

The knob is, says Louis-Claude de Freycinet.

And that's all he will say.

The captain and Louis-Claude de Freycinet gaze out on the dark Bass Strait waters.

It is two hours till dawn.


Terence is getting on well with Mrs Monks.

She has chocolates.

These are seventy percent cocoa, says Mrs Monks. That means they're good for you. Have one.

Terence takes two.

Haven't you had any dinner? asks Mrs Monks.

Arthur ate all the cake, says Terence.

Proper dinner, says Mrs Monks. Where is your mother?

It seems a bit late to be asking that now.


Gaius tosses and turns in his bed in the deluxe suite.

He dreams of small burrowing crustaceans in the deep dark dank dolomite sink hole swamp floor.

Get in with me, whispers Rosamunda, from the double.

All right, says Arthur. He gets in.

Ugh, says Rosamunda. When did you last wash those shorts?

Haven't, says Arthur.

Thought not, says Rosamunda.

Is there anything else? asks Arthur.

We haven't had much chance to talk, says Rosamunda.

Talk away, says Arthur. But I'm feeling a little uncomfortable.

It's just that, well, Gaius does need two right hand people, says Rosamunda. As long as you know that.

I know that, says Arthur. One to obtain things, one to do all the sewing and washing.

One to obtain things, one to know something of natural history, and sketching, says Rosamunda. And if you think I'm doing your washing....

Arthur rolls over and out.


In the other deluxe suite romance is progressing more smoothly.

Terence not being there to observe things.


Might knock off now, says Louis-Claude de Freycinet.

Certainly, says the captain. And thank you for everything. I expect you're looking forward to going home.

I was, says Louis-Claude de Freycinet. But uncertainty has come upon me.

Buck up, says the captain. It may never happen.

That's the nature of uncertainty, says Louis-Claude de Freycinet.

Damn! Of course it is!

The captain wishes that he'd held his tongue.


Louis-Claude de Freycinet passes the door of the deluxe suite.

He can hear Unni and Surfing-With-Whales whispering.

Perhaps they are planning to kill him.

No, that's just his paranoia.

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