Sunday, November 2, 2014

Going, Going, Blood Red Seeds

In Blaxland, Unni Moon is packing.

Louis-Claude de Freycinet sidles into the bedroom.

At last! says Louis-Claude de Freycinet. Are we going?

Yes, we are going, says Unni.

Where are you going? asks Pastor Moon, who is passing the bedroom.

Tassie, says Unni.

With HIM? asks Moon hopefully.

Yes dad, with him, says Unni.

Good, says her father.

He goes down the stairs feeling more light-hearted than usual.

At last he'll see the back of that lobster. No Christian should have to endure it.

In Kuitpo, Kong Fu-Zi is riding around testing his ankle. His ankle feels fine.

The morning air is scented with wood ducks.
These beautiful days in Shandong
Make drunken my old mountain heart.
Is there a finer feeling than the feeling of feeling recovered?

You look happy, says Katherine.


Freud is chatting with Terence and Baby Pierre, about last night's owl experience.

That owl was RUDE, says Terence. He scoffed at my shorts.

Probably a  dream, says Freud. It means you don't like them.

Ha ha, says Baby Pierre.

And you? says Freud. What did you dream?

About victims, says Baby Pierre.

Come into the van, says Freud, and lie down on the couch. You need further analysis.

Ha ha, says Terence.

Katherine comes up.

Kong Fu-Zi and I are leaving, says Katherine. Will you tell Gaius and Rosamunda?

How will Rosamunda get back? says Freud, miffed that Katherine is leaving.

I'll leave her my car keys, says Katherine.

What! explodes Freud. How are you travelling?

On the back of the Platonic Ideal, says Katherine. Piggy fashion.

Katherine, says Freud, there is no such thing as piggy fashion. You have made a revealing slip.

What should it be then? asks Katherine.

Never mind, says Freud.

He can't remember. Is it..... doggy fashion? No that's not right either.


Gaius and Rosamunda return with a basket of flowers.

So pretty. Daucus carota. Wild carrot.

White flowers on a stem, with a single blood red seed in the middle.

Now to harvest and crush them, and make a blue dye, for the sketchbook.


They enter the van.

Freud is lying on the couch. Terence and Baby Pierre are rubbing his tummy, low down.

Freud sits up quickly.

They've gone, says Freud. Kong and Katherine. She left you the keys, Rosamunda.

Have you got a bowl? asks Gaius. And something to crush blood red seeds with.

Rosamunda jabs him with her elbow.

Cup of tea first, says Gaius, becoming aware that something other than avoidance is needed.

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