Saturday, November 1, 2014

No Doubt The Universe Is Unfolding As It Should


Surfing-With-Whales finds a note in the kitchen.

Don't go into your room!

He lies down on the couch, and thinks about Unni.

A bit later.

Hello dear, says Mrs Swales. Sorry about that. We have guests here. People you know.

Katherine emerges from the guest room, wearing his mother's pyjamas.

Freud emerges from Surfing-With-Whales's bedroom, wearing his second best boardies.

Just think, says Ms Swales. They must have passed us on the jetty.

Your mother has been very kind, says Freud, rubbing his nose.

Surfing-With-Whales looks sour for some reason.

Huh-hi, mumbles Surfing-With-Whales.

He goes to the fridge and takes out a plate of cold pizza. He chews on a slice, disconsolately, having picked off the olives.

Mrs Swales bustles around making coffee, and opening a large box of Weetbix.

Don't forget your phone call, says Mrs Swales.

Can I go in the bedroom? asks Surfing-With-Whales.

Certainly, says Freud. It's your bedroom. And I assure you, I haven't pried into a thing.

Surfing-With-Whales disappears into the bedroom.

He's very sensitive, says Mrs Swales. His business is failing. No one wants to go surfing with whales in the season when there aren't any whales in the area.

That is understandable, says Katherine. Had he not thought of that, Lauren?

Perhaps I can help him, says Freud.

He'll be alright, says Lauren. He's got his friends.

Would that be Arthur and Sweezus? asks Katherine.

That's them, says Lauren. His friends. They've all been surfing together. Would you like some Weetbix? They're the new gluten free ones.

Goodness! says Katherine. Gluten free wheat, the things they come up with.

Do you have any honey? asks Freud.

And so the conversation steers away from Arthur and Sweezus, and where they might be, to a discussion on the benefits of honey compared to cane sugar............

Surfing-With-Whales emerges from the bedroom, a huge grin on his face.

What's up? asks his mum.

Goin' to Tassie, he says. With my old girlfriend Unni.

How lovely, says Lauren Swales.


You'll never guess who we met down at Noarlunga, says Katherine.

Who? asks Gaius.

Surfing-With-Whales, says Katherine. And you'll never guess where he's going.

You must tell me later, says Gaius. Rosamunda and I are off to look for Queen Anne's Lace, or daucus carota. The seed produces a natural blue dye, which we need for tinting our sketches of blue native orchids.

Suit yourself, says Katherine. Wheres Kong Fu-Zi?

Here! says Kong Fu-Zi, riding up behind her on the Platonic Ideal.

Looks like his ankle is better.

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