Thursday, November 6, 2014

Karl Marx Forced To Eat Broken Biscuits

How amusing. A case of mistaken identity.

Marx has discovered his error. It happened like this.

Enter Belle et Bonne with a box of French macarons.

Belle et Bonne (dropping the macaron box): Surfing-With-Whales!  What are you doing here?

Surfing-With-Whales: Hi Belle! Waiting for Sweezus and Arthur. Want me to pick up the biscuits?

Belle et Bonne: They're macarons, not biscuits.

Marx: And HE's not who I thought he was either.

Belle et Bonne: Who did you think he was?

Marx: A worker.

Surfing-With-Whales: Is that why you asked me for a fiver?

Belle et Bonne: Mr Marx!

Marx: Calm down. It's an opening gambit. I like to examine the situation of the workers. Their working conditions.

Belle et Bonne: We have good working conditions. As you see. French macarons. And free access to the means of production.

(She indicates the computer)

Surfing-With-Whales: Mind if I use it?

Belle et Bonne: You? Yes I do.


Five minutes later.

Marx and Surfing-With-Whales have eaten the broken macarons. Pity to waste them.

Marx is explaining the concept of surplus value to Surfing-With-Whales

Ultimately, says Marx, it's why capitalism is bound to fail.

I know it, says Surfing-With-Whales.


They're here, says Belle et Bonne, popping her head round the door.

She comes in, followed by Sweezus and Arthur.

Karl Marx, this is Sweezus, the one who'll be doing your interview, says Belle et Bonne. And this is his friend, Arthur. You may have heard of him. Arthur Rimbaud.

The father of socialism inclines his head graciously.

Cool, says Sweezus. Let's get this thing started.

Hold on, says Belle et Bonne. Let's observe the niceties. Would you like coffee, and fresh macarons?

Yeah, thanks, Belle, says Sweezus. Thought I could smell 'em.

That's the broken ones, says Surfing-With-Whales. We had to eat them.

Belle tosses her head and goes out to buy fresh macarons.


Arthur hadn't expected to meet Surfing-With-Whales in the office.

Did you leave my board back at mum's? asks Surfing-With-Whales. All right was it?

It was perfect, says Arthur.

Indeed, it was, till it floated away.

You don't happen to have any surplus funds do you, says Surfing-With-Whales. I need to get to Melbourne.

I heard about that, says Arthur. I thought Unni was paying.

She never said, says Surfing-With-Whales.

She's always got money, says Arthur. Why not ask her?

Surfing-With-Whales thinks: Yeah, she's always got money. And she wants me. Why not access the means of production?

He sits down at the office computer to write an email.

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