Monday, November 17, 2014

Death Sentence On The Night Voyage

Five hours have passed. In the back seat, it's seemed like five days.

Rosamunda pulls into the ferry terminal car park.

Six o'clock, and check-in has started.

Gaius gets out of the car.

Now then, says Gaius. I must find the captain.

He strides off to look for the captain.

I have a bad feeling, says Rosamunda.

Me too, says Terence. What is it?

He hasn't made a booking, says Rosamunda. I should have asked him. I bet we can't go.

We'll go, says Arthur. Just get on, that's what I do.

All right for you, says Rosamunda. You lead a charmed life.

So do I, says Surfing-With-Whales, stretching and yawning. Unni's paying for me. I wonder where she.....

Before he can finish his question, Unni appears with a lobster, in full sailor's rig.

Surfing-With-Whales! cries Unni. It's's.... how are you? she finishes lamely.

Good, says Surfing-with-Whales, looking sideways at Louis-Claude de Freycinet.

This is Louis-Claude de Freycinet, says Unni. He's coming with us. In fact, he leading the party.

Enchanté, says Louis-Claude de Freycinet.

Fuck, says Surfing-With-Whales.

The niceties over, they look around for Gaius, who hasn't come back yet.

And here he comes now.

I can't find the captain, says Gaius. This means we may have to wait till tomorrow.

No, says Unni. Louis-Claude knows the captain. It's all sorted. Is this your car? Oh, it's Katherine's.

We borrowed it, says Arthur. It's our transport.

That will not be a problem, says Louis-Claude de Freycinet. Drive it over there to be loaded.

What a tosser. Surfing-With-Whales can't stand him already.

Unni is looking at Rosamunda. Hmm. She's really pretty.

Rosamunda is looking at Unni. Hmm, she looks like a beautiful boy.

Hi, says Unni. You must be....

Rosamunda Secunda, says Rosamunda.

Unni Moon, says Unni.

Cool, says Rosamunda. You and I have something in common.

What? asks Unni.

Long story, says Rosamunda. Tell you later.

Okay, says Unni, let's check in. We sail at seven thirty.

Woo! says Terence. Sailing at bed time! Where's my BUNK?

They all go on board. A friendly crew member directs them to Louis-Claude de Freycinet's pre-booked de luxe suite.

Surfing-With-Whales catches up with Unni.

How come you need me? says Surfing-With-Whales. You've got fuckin' Vice Admiral Lobster de Fruitcake fixing everything and making like he loves you and ....

That's right, whispers Unni. That's why I need you. As soon as we get to Tasmania, I want him cactus, deleted, dead meat.

Surfing-With-Whales brightens up a great deal upon hearing this sentence.

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