Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Rabid Drowned Figure Is Sinking

Jumping Jupiter! What has happened to Arthur? cries Gaius.

He fell in, says Albertine. But really, there's only so much one can do.

Hearing this Proust feels strangely excited. So, she's gone off him already?

Gaius is wasting no time.

He steps onto a stone ledge jutting over the black matted water, near where Arthur is floating, nose up.

Arthur, says Gaius. Foolish boy. There was no need. Are you breathing?

Arthur's eyes roll. A rabid drowned figure is sinking, says Arthur.

Oh very good, says Proust. He's composing a poem.

He's a talented lad, says Gaius. But he does tend to go to extremes for his art form.

Gaius leans forward and begins to pull Arthur out of the water.

Not yet! says Arthur.

All right, says Gaius. Then make yourself useful. Reach down and feel for my pencil.

Arthur reaches down but he can't feel the bottom.

Shakes his head. Too bad. Can't find it.

Try this, says Proust, producing from behind his back the mechanical arm with which he had hoped to surprise Albertine (and may yet surprise her).

Good thinking, Marcel, says Gaius. Here you are, Arthur. Reach down with this. How does it work?... yes, see....you put pressure on the handle to close the mechanical fingers.

Is Arthur up to this, in his present condition?

Arthur thrusts the mechanical arm into the sludge at the lake's bottom. Swishes it around, hits something, squeezes the handle, retracts the arm and raises it, presenting it, dripping, to Gaius.

That is excellently done, says Gaius. You've recovered my pencil. Now, let me help you out, Arthur.

Aouuh! says Albertine, coughing.

Dear me, says Gaius. You must go, my dear. Marcel, why don't you escort Albertine back to the entrance?

With pleasure, says Marcel. He is delighted. And it's not he who is coughing.

The trouble with thinking about not coughing is..... you want to start coughing.

Chughh! coughs Proust.

He and Albertine, both coughing, make their way back to the narrow passage where the air is less noxious.

She still has her phone on. She is holding it up. It gives out a faint light.

It buzzes.

This time he sees it.

A message from DANIEL.

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