Saturday, August 29, 2020

Riding Like Maniacs

 Arthur appears not to care because he hasn't yet heard about Sweezus.

Arthur and Louisa therefore ride towards the burnt regions, oblivious.


Arthur receives a phone call.

It's from Sweezus.

Hey bro! says Sweezus. 

Hey! says Arthur. Where are you?

Yeah...well, says Sweezus. I'm in Nice. It's batshit crazy.

Nice? says Arthur. Nice in France?

Yeah Nice in France, says Sweezus. And I wish I wasn't.

How come? asks Arthur.

What day is it? asks Sweezus.

Could be any day, says Arthur. I'm on KI, checking out the burnt regions.

Cool, says Sweezus. Mind if I call you sporadically?

Sure, says Arthur. What about?

Everything, says Sweezus. Like it's raining, and the roads are like ice rinks, and everyone's riding like maniacs, and..... AARRRGH! 

The calls ends.

What was that about? asks Louisa.

He probably crashed, says Arthur.

Who? asks Louisa. 

Sweezus, says Arthur. He's riding in the Tour de France.

I thought you two always went together, says Louisa.

So did I, says Arthur, stopping 

He gets off his bike.

Louisa stops too. What's Arthur doing?

Nothing. Just having a moment.

If he was already in the burnt regions, and near a tree that was sprouting new foliage, at ground level, as they do, Arthur would kick it.

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