Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Hek ek ek

Meanwhile, Gaius and Camus are still on the beach at Saint Kilda.

Camus has opened the chocolates he bought on the way.

Care for a Favourite? asks Camus.

Gaius is tempted, although he's just eaten an apple.

Go on, says Camus. Energy!

If I eat one, says Gaius, it won't be for the energy quotient.

Suit yourself, says Camus, choosing a Crunchie, unwrapping it and discarding the golden foil wrapper.

A puff of wind blows it a short distance.

I'll get it, says Gaius.

The gold foil wrapper has blown up against Waca.

You look like a prince, says Terence.

Do I? says Waca. 

A duck prince, says Terence.

Hek ek ek! comes a cry!

A peregrine falcon is hovering in the sky above Waca.

About to swoop down.

Swoop! Thwack!

Ahh! cries Waca. Save me I beg you!

You saved yourself! says Terence.

Did I? asks Waca.

It would seem so. 

The peregrine falcon lies stunned on the sand, powerful hooked talons upward.

What's happened? asks Gaius, retrieving the gold Crunchie wrapper.

That bird attacked Waca, says Terence.

No doubt attracted by the gold wrapper, says Gaius.

I'm not stupid, says the peregrine falcon, slowly recovering. I was attacking the duck.

Ha ha, laughs Terence. He's a WOODEN duck!

The peregrine falcon ignores him.

Are you all right? asks Gaius. 

Yes, says the peregrine falcon. I'll fly off shortly.

Don't go too soon, says Gaius. You may have a concussion. 

Okay, says the peregrine falcon. I'll rest here and keep a look-out for soft little birds flying by.

We had two of them, says Terence, but they're flying to Melbourne.

Melbourne? says Gaius. Did you say Melbourne?

Yes, says Terence. They're catching the ferry.

I know that, says Gaius. But the ferry leaves from North Geelong.

He hurries back to Camus, who is eating a Flake.

Did you send the orange-bellied parrots to Melbourne? asks Gaius. 

Yes, says Camus. What's the problem?

The ferry sails from Geelong, says Gaius.

How was I to know? asks Camus. Does it matter? 

A waste of energy always matters, in the bird world, says Gaius.

Chill out, says Camus. Here, have Cherry Ripe.

Resignedly, Gaius accepts it.

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