Friday, September 22, 2023

Speared On His Claw

Did the falcon eat the whole chocolate? asks Gaius. 

No, says Camus. It was Turkish Delight, and he stopped when he got to the filling.

I can understand that, says Gaius. 

But he did take it with him, says Camus. It was speared on his claw.

Deliberately? asks Gaius.

I don't think so, says Camus. That stuff is sticky.

Indeed, says Gaius. 

Have I killed him? asks Camus.

Quite possibly, says Gaius. However, on the plus side...

Yes? says Camus.

He won't complete his mission, says Gaius. The orange-bellied parrots will be saved.

Thanks to me, says Camus. 

Hum, says Gaius.

Camus decides not to pursue it.

So what now? asks Camus. 

We wait for Roo-kai to return, says Gaius. 

That could be hours, says Camus. Would you like a Passiona?

Water will suffice, says Gaius.

I didn't bring water, says Camus.

Gaius is losing  his patience with Camus.

I'm trying to remind myself why you volunteered to come on this expedition, says Gaius.

In order to be helpful, says Camus.

But you had a hidden agenda, says Gaius.

Let's not speak of it now, says Camus. How about I drive to Mawson Lakes for some water?

That would be useful, says Gaius. 

I'll leave at once, says Camus. Any special kind of water?

Spring water, says Gaius. It's a weakness of mine.

Very well, says Camus. See you later.

He heads for the car park.

Where's he going? asks Terence.

He's going for water, says Gaius. 

He's a good helper, says Terence.

Not in every case, says Gaius. He gave the peregrine falcon a chocolate.

That was smart, says Terence. 

No it wasn't, says Gaius. I may as well be honest. Because of it, the peregrine falcon could die.

Die? says Terence.

Or at the very least, suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, seizures and an increased heart rate, says Gaius.

Woo! says Terence. Will it happen straight away?

It may take some time, says Gaius. Hard to say.

Maybe he'll reach Roo-kai first, says Terence. 

But, says Gaius, that would put Roo-kai and the orange-bellied parrots in danger.

Why? asks Terence. He's only telling them to go to Geelong.

He's a top predator, says Gaius. He'll try to eat them.

Wah! says Terence. But what if he tells them to go to Geelong and then dies before he can eat them?

I suppose that could happen, says Gaius. 

Why not? It's one of the nicer scenarios.

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