Friday, January 31, 2025

The Permanent Dot

I can't guess, says Surfing-with-Whales.

The baby skate's coming back for a ride on my skateboard, says Terence.

No way! says Surfing-with-Whales.

They arranged it, says Gaius. The baby skate's coming back later.

Skates can't skate on skateboards, says Surfing-with-Whales.

They can if they have a lesson, says Terence. And I gave him one.

What was it? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

How to do stopping, says Terence.

Problem! says Surfing-with-Whales. No foot, no stopping.

He uses his tail, says Terence.

Surfing-with-Whales has thought of another problem.

He'll die, if he's out of the water, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Not immediately, says Gaius. 

Geez! says Surfing-with-Whales. Looks like you don't need my input.

Of course we do, says Gaius. You met an old skate. That may be just the beginning.

Did you? says Felicia. Did you record it?

Nah, says Surfing-with-Whales. Gaius is going to improvise a clicker.

If I have time, says Gaius.

Why not just make little marks on your palm with a permanent marker? asks Felicia.

I might lose the marker, says Surfing-with-Whales.

You could hang the marker from your neck on a string, says Felicia.

Wonderful idea, says Gaius. I couldn't have come up with a better solution.

They're coming! says Terence.

He has been keeping an eye out for the third baby skate, and spied an incoming flotilla.

This is unexpected, says Gaius.

Maybe they all want a ride, says Terence.

The third baby skate floats in as close as he can.

Terence steps forward.

Careful, says Gaius.

We all want a go on the skateboard, says the third baby skate.

How many are you? asks Gaius.

Ten, says the third baby skate.

I must record that number, says Gaius. Where is my pen?

Okay, says Terence. Who's going first on the skateboard?

Me and him, says the third baby skate. 

Wait! says Terence. How will we know who's had a go and who hasn't?

It'd be good if we had that permanent marker, says Surfing-with-Whales.

So it would, says Gaius. Not only would it serve to show who's had a go and who hasn't, but it would prevent us from counting a baby skate twice.

I thought there was a permanent marker with your waterproof clipboard, says Felicia.

Was there? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

He yanks the clipboard out from the back of his shorts.

There was! 

Excellent! All our problems are solved, says Gaius.

He lifts third baby skate and his friend out of the water and places them side by side on the skateboard.

He then marks their tails with a permanent dot.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Goggle V Stare

Surfing-with-Whales thinks he may have swum out too far.

What depth did Gaius say the skates favoured?

He can't remember.

Maybe he should stop and dive down.

If he sees one, he'll keep going.

He takes a deep breath and dives down.

An old maugean skate happens to be on the bottom, searching for bottom-dwelling crabs.

The old maugean skate looks up to see a pair of swimming goggles.

Through the swimming goggles, Surfing-with-Whales sees the old maugean skate.

Pity I can't ask it a question, thinks Surfing-with-Whales.

He points upwards, just in case.

He swims up to the surface and takes a deep breath.

He looks around. The old skate hasn't followed

Fuck this, says Surfing-with-Whales. At least I've seen one. May as well keep going.

He swims a few strokes, then stops.

Maybe he needs to re-think.

He floats on his back, re-thinking. 

He's supposed to be following the third baby skate...

And he doesn't know if he is or he isn't....

But he probably isn't....

It could've made a left turn or a right turn or done a u-ey...

How would he know?...

The best plan is to go back to where he last saw the third baby skate...

Yeah, that makes sense...

He turns and heads back to the shore.

Any luck? asks Gaius.

Lost him, says Surfing-with-Whales. But when I was out there I dived to the bottom and saw a big old one.

Encouraging, says Gaius. What was it doing?

Staring, says Surfing-with-Whales.

I doubt it was staring, says Gaius. It was probably looking for bottom-dwelling crabs.

It stared at me, says Surfing-with-Whales. But it wouldn't follow me up to the surface.

Of course not, says Gaius. The main thing is, you saw it. Did you record it?

No, says Surfing- with-Whales. This clipboard's a liability. I need one of those clicker things.

Hm, says Gaius. I've never needed to use one of those.

Can we buy one? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Better to improvise, says Gaius. Let me think about it.

Surfing-with-Whales takes off his flippers and goggles and steps out of the water.

Terence and Felicia appear, with Terence's skateboard.

Guess what? says Terence. 

But Surfing-with-Whales had not heard the five minute conversation between Terence and third baby skate.

No way he'll guess what's coming.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Clasping Claspers

Several baby skates are fooling around in their favourite area.

Away from the old skates who don't like their new ways.

The third baby skate has come back.

What took you so long? ask the others.

I was grabbed by the tail, says the third baby skate.

The others gather round. 

How did you escape? asks a baby skate.

I didn't, says the third baby skate. I was let go, and I'm going back later.

Going back later? says another baby skate.

That's what I said, says the third baby skate.

What for? asks another.

I'm getting a ride on a skateboard, says the third baby skate. 

These babies were raised in a lab, before being released in Macquarie Harbour, so they know what a skateboard is. 

No one asks: What is a skateboard?

Instead they ask: What about us? 

Come back with me, says the third baby skate. I might not be wide enough anyway.

Is it a standard size skateboard? asks one.

I haven't seen it, says third baby. But I'm supposed to hold on with my claspers.

Maybe two of us could go on it together, says another. Clasping claspers.

That's what I was thinking, says the third baby skate.

When are you going back? asks another baby skate.

I didn't ask, says third baby. But there's a guy following me. 

No there isn't, says the other baby skate.

There was, says third baby. I agreed to let him. He wanted to count us.

So where is he? wonder all the baby skates. 

Let's go out to meet him, says the third baby skate. He'll be heading this way.

But in fact, there is no reason why Surfing-with-Whales would be heading this way.

Third baby had taken a left turn at one point.

And Surfing-with-Whales was too far behind him to see.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Every Flip He Makes

I'm ready, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Excellent, says Gaius. 

Follow me! says the third baby skate.

He shoots off in a hurry.

Surfing-with-Whales plods into the water.

Squelch-squelch, in his flippers.

He adjusts his goggles, and shoves off.

He forgot the clipboard! says Terence.

But no, he's remembered the clipboard. 

He turns and swims back.

Gaius steps into the water, glad that he's wearing his crocs.

He hands Surfing-with-Whales the waterproof clipboard.

Thanks, says Surfing-with-Whales. But I reckon I've probably lost him.

He may double back, says Gaius.

Okay, says Surfing-with-Whales. I'll head off again.

What's happening? asks Felicia, who has followed Surfing-with-Whales from the campsite 

I was sinking, says Terence.

I heard, says Felicia. And then Surfing-with-Whales ran back for his stuff.

One of the skates agreed to lead him to a location where there are others, says Gaius.

I was going to do that, says Felicia.

You may still need to, says Gaius. The skate shot off in hurry and Surfing-with-Whales made a rather slow start.

He forgot his clipboard, says Terence.

How was he going to swim with a clipboard? asks Felicia.

Good point. How was he going to swim with a clipboard?

Surfing-with-Whales is wondering the same thing.

He has shoved the clipboard down the front of his boardshorts.

But it reduces his flexibility.

He stops swimming and readjusts the position of the clipboard.

It is now round the back.

Every flip he makes with the flippers digs the clipboard into either his spine or his bottom.

Ideally, thinks Surfing-with-Whales, I should've brought one of those clicker things...

and kept in in my pocket...

because my boardies do have a pocket...

a pocket too small for a clipboard, but a clicker thing would fit into it easily... 

and then...

every time I saw a maugean skate...

all I'd have to do...

is click it...

and that would be...

too easy...

As we can see he is losing his focus. 

And in any case, there's not much to focus on.

The third baby skate is long gone.

In a hurry to tell the other baby skates that he's getting a go on a skateboard.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Do Stopping

Perhaps you'd allow my colleague to follow you? says Gaius.

How would I stop him? asks the third baby skate.

I'm sure you could elude him if you wished, says Gaius.

If he didn't sink first, says the third baby skate.

I see you think the colleague I refer to is Terence, says Gaius. But it isn't.

Who then? asks the third baby skate.

Surfing-with-Whales steps forward. 

That would be me.

Okay, says the third baby skate. Let's get going.

Not yet, says Surfing-with-Whales. I need my goggles and flippers.

And your waterproof clipboard, says Gaius.

You've thought of everything, says the third baby skate.

Except they're back at the campsite, says Surfing-with-Whales.

And you expect me to wait here while you get them? asks the third baby skate.

If you don't mind, says Gaius.

I do mind, says the third baby skate.

Five minutes! says Surfing-with-Whales.

He runs off.

Five minutes isn't long, says Gaius. 

Sometimes it is, says Terence.

I agree with you, says the third baby skate.

That's good, says Terence. Want to talk, so the five minutes goes faster?

Talk about what? asks the third baby skate.

Terence thinks quickly. 

You're a skate, right? asks Terence.

A maugean skate, says the third baby skate. 

That means you can skate, says Terence. And guess what?

What? asks the third baby skate.

I've got a skateboard, says Terence. 

What's so good about that? asks the third baby skate. 

You could go on it, says Terence. 

I've only got five minutes, says the third baby skate.

Too bad, says Terence. Come back later and do it.

I might, says the third baby skate. Can I do it in the water?

No way! says Terence. You'd have to get out.

I'll think about it, says the third baby skate.

I'll give you a lesson, says Terence. 

I'm listening, says the third baby skate.

You need a special lesson, says Terence. Because you haven't got feet.

I've got claspers, says the third baby skate.

Let's see, says Terence. He leans forward, to look at the claspers.

Careful! warns Gaius.

The third baby skate shows Terence his claspers, which are underneath, at the start of his tail.

They'll be good for holding on, says Terence. But you need to learn stopping.

How do you do stopping? asks the third baby skate.

With a foot, says Terence. 

I could use my tail, says the third baby skate.

Can you bend it? asks Terence.

Sure I can, says the third baby skate.

You'll be good then, says Terence.

Thanks for the lesson, says the third baby skate.

Surfing-with-Whales comes back with the goggles and flippers and waterproof clipboard.

The five minutes went fast!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

All Socks are Green

Terence is safe now.

Gaius leans over the water.

Three baby skates, says Gaius. Most encourgaging.

Have you lost a sock? asks the first baby skate.

Interesting you should ask that, says Gaius. Have you found one?

We know where one is, says the seond baby skate.

It could well be mine, says Gaius. Is it a green one?

All socks are green, says the third skate.

You may think so, says Gaius. But I was obliged to replace my green socks with orange ones.

Orange socks! says the first skate. That's a first. Are you wearing them now?

Not yet, says Gaius. They are still joined together.

The first baby skate wonders how that works.

Of course, says Gaius, I'll snip them apart when I do want to wear them.

The first baby skate is glad he didn't ask a dumb question.

Gaius continues. I am not in a hurry to wear them.

Oh? says the first baby skate. 

Because they have the words Gone Fishing woven into the fabric, says Gaius.

The first baby skate turns to go.

Do not go, says Gaius. I have no intention of fishing.

What then? asks the first baby skate.

Are there many more of you? asks Gaius. And if so, would you mind telling us how to find them?

Yes and no, says the first baby skate.

And sinking to the muddy bottom he undulates away. 

The second baby skate follows.

The third baby skate is about to disappear in a similar fashion when Gaius grabs at his tail, to prevent him from leaving.

Yes and no? says Gaius. Does that not mean that yes there are more of you and no you don't mind telling us how to find them?

Don't ask me, says the third baby skate. I didn't say it.

But your friend did, says Gaius.

He might have meant no he didnt mind but he might have meant no he wouldn't tell you, says the third baby skate.

That's a tricky one, says Gaius.

Mind if I go now? asks the third baby skate.

Yes and no, answers Gaius.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Swuuurp! A Rescue

The three baby skates agree to come close to the shore so that Terence can count them.

They follow Roo-kai.

Roo-kai signals to Terence.

What? asks Terence, squinting up at Roo-kai.

Roo-kai drops down close to his ear.

There are three baby skates swimming towards you, says Roo-kai. 

Three! says Terence. Little Mystic, get me my clipboard.

There's no paper on it, says Little Mystic. You'll have to remember.

Okay, says Terence.

The three baby skates have come close to the shore.

Terence steps forward.

Don't! advises Roo-kai.

Just one more step, says Terence. 

He takes another step forward, into the muddy water.

The three baby skates glide in even closer.

Hello, says the first one, having risen to the surface.

One! says Terence.

Three, says the first baby skate.

Where are the others? asks Terence.

The first baby skate signals the others, who also surface.

Three! says Terence.

Now you know, says the first baby skate. Can we ask a question?

Why am I sinking? asks Terence.

Come out! squawks Roo-kai.

They want to ask me a question, says Terence.

It won't take long, says the first baby skate.

Me sinking? asks Terence.

The question, says the first baby skate. Does your science guy want his sock back?

Yes, says Terence. Have you found it?

We know where it is, says the first baby skate. 

That's good, says Terence. Is the cabbage leaf still in it?

Unless a bottom dwelling crab ate it, says the first baby skate.

The sock or the leaf? asks Terence.

Terence! shouts Roo-kai. Take a step backwards!

Can't, says Terence. The mud's sucking me down.

Kek-kek! says Little Mystic. I'll fetch Gaius.

The cabbage leaf, says the first baby skate. Everyone knows crabs don't eat socks.

What about bamboo socks? asks Terence.

No such thing, scoffs the first baby skate.

Yes there is, says Terence. Sweezus has some.

Who's Sweezus? asks the first baby skate.

A cool guy I know, says Terence. 

Can we go now? ask the second and third baby skates.

Gaius comes running, followed by Surfing-with-Whales.

Is that him? asks the first baby skate.

Is what him? asks Terence, who is facing away from his rescuers.

Surfing-with-Whales yanks Terence up out of the water. 


No it's not him, says Terence. And it's not his sock either.

The baby skates look disappointed.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Helpers Are Worse

He's just an infant, says Roo-kai.

The science guy? asks one of the skates.

He's not really a science guy, says Roo-kai. He's a helper.

Helpers are worse than science guys, says the second skate.

Not always, says the third.

He'd be really happy if you let him count you, says Roo-kai. 

But would it end there? asks the first one.

Probably not, says Roo-kai. 

At least you're honest, says the second skate.

I am, says Roo-kai. And he really does know the sock's owner.

What's the sock owner like? asks the first skate.

Practical, says Roo-kai. In fact he's already bought a new pair of socks from the local IGA.

A pair? says the second skate. And he only lost one?

How is that practical? asks the third skate.

You have to understand humans, says Roo-kai. They like to have spares.

Would he like the lost sock back? asks the first skate. We know where it is.

I'm sure he would, says Roo-kai.

Did you draw the arrow on the paper boat? asks the second skate.

No, says Roo-kai. Why do you ask?

We were heading out in the direction it pointed,  says the second skate.

Because it might be a message, says the third skate.

Can I give you some free advice? asks Roo-kai.

Okay, say the three baby skates together.

Don't trust arrows on floating objects, says Roo-kai. Let me tell you the sad tale of Saint Roley's brother.

What happened? ask the skates.

He floated away from the coast of Saint Malo on the last remaining side of a cardboard potato box, says Roo-kai. There was a THIS WAY UP finger printed on the cardboard, pointing towards the horizon. He trusted that finger, and was not seen again.

Was he a skate? asks the skates?

No, an oystercatcher, says Roo-kai.

That couldn't happen to us, says the first skate. 

I suppose not, says Roo-kai.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

My Idea Not My Boat

The three baby maugean skates all have different opinions.

It must be a cabbage, says one.

It could equally be a lettuce, says the second.

Or a fish, says the third.

A wonky sort of fish, says the first one.

Well, it's not like there are no wonky fish, says the third one.

I go for cabbage, says the first one, and it's wonky at one end because it's coming out of a sock.

THAT cabbage! says the second baby skate. And that sock!

Exactly, says the first one.

What about the arrow? asks the third one.

Maybe someone wants it back, says the first one.

Yes! says the second one. And the arrow is pointing to them!

We should follow it, says the third one.

It's not moving, says the first one.

But it's pointing, says the third one. 

Okay, say the first and second baby skates. Let's go.

They skate off in the direction the arrow is pointing.

Unfortunately, it's pointing away from the shore.

Can you see anything? asks Terence.

Yes, says Roo-kai. More ripples and the paper boat's rocking.

Told you, says Terence.

I'll take a look, says Roo-kai.

He flies up and over the paper boat in time to see the three baby skates speeding away.

Where are they going in such a hurry?

He follows them.

One of the baby skates spots him.

Stop! says the baby skate to the others. Look up there. We're being followed.

It's an oystercatcher, says one of the others. 

Maybe it was his cabbage, says the third one.

Or his sock, says the second.

As if, says the first one. But it might be his paper boat. Why don't we ask him.

They stop. 

Roo-kai flies down and lands in the water nearby.

I didn't intend to intervene in this, says Roo-kai. 

In what? asks the first baby skate.

This whole thing, says Roo-kai. But since the paper boat was my idea, I feel I ought to.

It's your paper boat! says the first one. I knew it!

It's my idea, says Roo-kai. Not my boat. The boat belongs to Terence, who is waiting for you on the shore.

Is he a science guy? asks the second baby skate. Because if he is we're not going.

He only wants to count you, says Roo-kai. 

There are three of us, says the second baby skate. You can tell him.

Has he lost a sock with a cabbage leaf inside it? asks the first one.

Not him, says Roo-kai. But he knows the person who lost it.

Hmm, say the skates. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Probable Cabbage

The baby maugean skate drifts upwards.

What is the pointy thing, floating up there on the surface?

Can he eat it?

He draws nearer.

And sees the illustration.

What is this?

A wonky fish blob?

Or a cabbage?

A cabbage, inside a sock?

If it is, this is significant.

He now has a dilemma.

He wants to tell his fellow baby skates what he's found.

But it might drift away in the meantime.

He decides to risk it, and shimmies away.

Anything happening? asks Roo-kai.

Ripples, says Terence.

That may mean a skate's been attracted, says Roo-kai.

Yay! says Terence. That's number one.

But none of us actually saw it, says Roo-kai.

Want me to fly out there and hover? asks Little Mystic.

That would be a valuable contribution, says Roo-kai. Except for one thing. You might scare them away.

I'll whistle, says Little Mystic. As though I'm just randomly passing over.

Good idea, says Terence. Get going.

Little Mystic flies out and hovers above the upside down paper boat.

Hover hover. 


Nothing doing.

He hovers away a bit.


And flaps back to his original position.

Just in time to see......

Three maugean skates circling the upside down paper boat.

He flies back to Roo-kai and Terence.

Three! says Little Mystic. I saw three.

Yippee! says Terence. What were they doing?

Circling, says Little Mystic.

Woo! says Terence. Maybe they want to get on board and be captains.

Fanciful thinking, says Roo-kai. What a pity we can't hear their conversation.

Yes what a pity.

The maugean skates are debating the message of the probable cabbage.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Dead Zones

Terence unclips the paper from his clipboard.

Have you made a paper boat before? asks Little Mystic.

I made a paper hat once, says Terence.

They're pretty much the same, says Roo-kai.

Terence starts folding, but encounters a problem.

We've got a problem, says Terence.

I know, says Roo-kai. The picture of the wonky fish-blob and bone arrow is on the inside.

The skates won't be able to see it! says Little Mystic.

Unless they destroy it, says Terence.

It's easy to fix, says Roo-kai. Unfold it and turn it over.

Terence doesn't think that will help. 

But he unfolds it, turns it over, and starts folding again.

Soon he has a paper boat with illustrations on the outside.

You were right! says Terence.

Thank you, says Roo-kai. We parrots are useful for something.

We've still got a problem, says Little Mystic.

What? asks Terence.

The skates will be underneath, looking up, says Little Mystic.

Terence holds his paper boat up. 

Little Mystic is right.

The bottom of the paper boat is hollow, like a hat.

I know! says Terence.

Yes? says Roo-kai.

We'll float it upside down, says Terence.

They are already at the edge of the water.

Terence moves forward, holding his boat upside down.

Careful! says Roo-kai.

I'm always careful, says Terence.

He places the paper boat on the water, where it sits like an upside down hat.

Push it out, says Little Mystic.

You do it, says Terence.

No, I'll do it, says Roo-kai. My beak is longer.

Not too far, says Terence. Or we won't see the skates when they come up to look at it.

Roo-kai shoves the boat out into the water. Not too far.

Its paper sails point downwards.

Along comes a baby maugean skate, bored as usual.

Why did they have to release him and his fellow babies in this shithole?

Full of salmon poo, rotten fish food, and dead zones.

He rolls his eyes, and ooh! spies something pointy.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

How To Make Something Happen

Terence knows what's going to happen, says Little Mystic.

Does he? asks Roo-kai.

Yes, says Terence. They're going to eat all the banana cake, then look for us.

And we'll be here, says Little Mystic.

We could be, says Roo-kai. Or.....we could surprise them.

How? asks Little Mystic.

We could go down to the water, says Roo-kai. 

I'm not allowed, says Terence.

You're allowed at the edge, says Roo-kai.

What will we do there? asks Terence.

Bring the clipboard, says Roo-kai. 

Terence picks up the clipboard.

Come on, says Roo-kai.

They make their way down to the water.

Now what? asks Terence.

Ask Little Mystic, says Roo-kai.

How should I know? asks Little Mystic.

Think of something useful, says Roo-kai.

Kek-kek! says Little Mystic. 

He wonders what would be useful.

Make use of what's available, hints Roo-kai.

Kek! says Little Mystic. The sign!

What about it? asks Terence. 

Drop it in! says Little Mystic. 

(It's the best he can think of).

My clipboard? says Terence.

Just the paper, suggests Roo-kai.

I meant just the paper, says Little Mystic.

And maybe ... ? says Roo-kai, making a boat shape with his wings.

Make a paper boat,  says Little Mystic. Before you drop it in.

Why am I doing it? asks Terence.

For a surprise, says Little Mystic.

I won't be surprised if I do it, says Terence.

A surprise for the skates, says Little Mystic. They'll see the paper boat and come up to look.

I get it, says Terence. They'll see my wonky fish-blob. 

And the bone arrow, says Roo-kai. They'll be puzzled.

And I can count them while they puzzle, says Terence.

Good idea! says Little Mystic.

It'll be a surprise for Gaius and Surfing-with-Whales, says Terence.

What will you write the number on? asks Little Mystic. You've used your paper for a boat.

I'm very good at remembering, says Terence.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Vinegar Blue Hoo

Gaius drops the flippers and goes down to the water to wash his hands.

I love banana cake, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Who doesn't? says Felicia.

They look at the banana cake.

Having said that, says Felicia, we didn't sell this one.

Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. That's not a bad thing.

How come you call yourself Surfing-with-Whales? asks Felicia.

Business, says Surfing-with-Whales. I had a good little busines in Middleton.

But not any more? asks Felicia.

Trouble with sharks, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Gaius returns, with wet hands.

Lunch time, says Gaius. I've already torn up the lettuce. It just needs to be sprinkled with vinegar.

Can I do it? asks Terence.

No, says Gaius. You would put too much on. But you can shake the bag when it's done.

No bowls? asks Felicia.

No, says Gaius. We can do without most things.

Do you want me to slice the red peppers and chuck them in the bag with the lettuce? asks Felicia.

Yes, please, says Gaius.

He places his thumb over the top of the vinegar bottle and carefully shakes a few drops into the open bag of lettuce.

Felicia, who has her own knife, slices the red peppers.

She chucks them in. Gaius closes the bag and hands it to Terence.

Hold it closed like this, says Gaius. And shake.

Terence has been looking forward to this part.

He shakes the lettuce, red peppers and vinegar.

Shake shake shake.

I'm going to do a salad dance, says Terence.

Just don't drop it, says Gaius.

Terence does a salad dance and sings a salad song:

Green red and blue/ a salad is coming/ hoo hoo!

Blue? asks Felicia.

The vinegar, says Terence. 

He stops singing and opens the bag.

Dig in, don't wait, says Terence.

Don't forget the olives and garlic croutons, says Felicia.

It's a good lunch, and they eat it with their fingers.

Now for the banana cake.

Felicia starts slicing it up.

The whole cake!

Terence is bored. So is Little Mystic.

Let's go and get the clipboard, says Terence.

Yes let's, says Little Mystic.

The clipboard is still propped up against the same tree.

And Roo-kai is waiting beside it.

What are you doing here? asks Terence.

Waiting for something to happen, says Roo-kai.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Bit Of A Mouthful

Surfing with-Whales turns the clipboard upside down.

Now Terence's bone-arrow points the right way.

The wonky lettuce/fish-blob doesn't look all that different.

He wonders what Felicia will make of it.

He wheels his bike back to the campsite.

Did you see my sign? asks Terence.

How else do you think I got here? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Yay! It works! says Terence.

But he knows where we're camping already, says Little Mystic.

I imagined I didn't, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Gaius returns from his search for a bowl for the lettuce.

Couldn't find a bowl, says Gaius. But not to worry. I'll tear up the lettuce and put it back in the bag that it came in.

Great, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Then I'll simply sprinkle it with vinegar, says Gaius. A healthy light lunch.

I thought the vinegar was for disinfecting my flippers, says Surfing-with-Whales.

You won't need all of it, says Gaius. But you should start disinfecting it now. 

Yeah, but I've got a spongy back tyre, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Pump it up then, says Gaius. I'll deal with your flippers.

Thanks, says Surfing-with-Whales.

It's going to be a late lunch.

So late that Felicia has finished her shift and come down the road to look for their campsite.

She stops at the sign.

Aw. That's nice. They must've made it to help her locate their campsite.

But the clipboard's upside down. 

Is it deliberate?

Or has someone interfered with the clipboard?

It's that way, says Roo-kai, dropping down.

Shit! says Felicia. 

Apologies for startling you, says Roo-kai. But if you're looking for Terence and his companions, this upside down sign points the right way.

Actually, says Felicia. I hear the sounds of pumping, in that direction.

That will be Surfing-with-Whales. His back tyre has gone spongy, says Roo-kai.

Which one of them's Surfing-with-Whales? asks Felicia.

The younger of the two adults, says Roo-kai.

Cool name, says Felicia.

A bit of a mouthful, says Roo-kai.

Anyway, thanks, says Felicia.

She heads towards the sounds of the pumping.

Felicia! says Surfing-with-Whales. You found us!

Did you see my sign? asks Terence.

Yes, says Felicia. It was really helpful.

She drops her backpack to the ground. 

Takes out some clean sheets of paper, and hands them to Terence.

For your clipboard, when you're counting the skates, says Felicia. I also brought some stuff to go with that lettuce, if you guys haven't eaten it already.

We haven't, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Not tomatoes I hope? says Gaius, looking up from disinfecting the flippers.

Not tomatoes, says Felicia. Olives, red peppers and garlic croutons. And a banana cake that's close to its best before date but should be okay.

Woo! Looks like it's lunch time!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Wonky Fish-Blob

I'm going to start drawing the lettuce, says Terence.

Won't it be wonky? asks Little Mystic.

Lettuces are supposed to be wonky, says Terence.

That one looks round, says Little Mystic.

Only because of the bag, says Terence. When lettuces are out of their bag, they look wonky.

Little Mystic believes him. 

Want me to hold the clipboard? asks Little Mystic.

Yes, says Terence.

Terence starts drawing the lettuce.

Okay back there? asks Gaius.

I'm drawing the lettuce, says Terence.

The lettuce? says Gaius. Is this for the sign?

Yes, says Terence. When that girl comes looking for our campsite she'll see the lettuce.

And she'll know where we are, says Gaius.

He glances over his shoulder into the pullalong to see Terence's drawing.


He goes over a bump in the road.

Wah! cries Terence. My lettuce is ruined!

Are you using the waterproof marker? asks Gaius.

I was, says Terence. 

Vinegar will fix it, says Gaius.

Yay! says Terence.

They arrive at the campsite, near the water.

Let's see it, says Gaius. 

The lettuce looks like a lettuce on one side, but a fish on the other.

How about I just write WE ARE HERE on it, says Gaius. And an arrow.

I was going to draw crossbones, says Terence.

That might confuse things says Gaius.

What are crossbones? asks Little Mystic.

Crossed bones, says Gaius. 

He make a cross with his fingers. 

You go ahead, says Gaius. I'll tear up the lettuce.

Why? asks Terence.

We're going to have it for lunch, says Gaius. With the vinegar, or what remains of the vinegar after Surfing-with-Whales has used it to disinfect his flippers.

Eat the lettuce? says Terence.

What did you think it was for? asks Gaius.

I didn't, says Terence. Lucky I've done this drawing.

Indeed, says Gaius, lifting the lettuce out of the pullalong.

After which, he lifts Terence out, and then Little Mystic.

He goes off to look for something to use as a bowl.

I'll just finish my drawing, says Terence. Then we'll put it next to the road.

He draws crossbones over the lettuce.

What about the words? asks Little Mystic.

I'll make one of the bones look like an arrow, says Terence. We don't any need words.

He makes one of the bones look like an arrow, which is easy.

They take the clipboard to a leatherwood tree near the road. Terence props the clipboard up against the tree.

Then they go back to the campsite.

Surfing-with-Whale arrives at the tree.

He has taken his time because his back tyre feels spongy.

He sees the sign, on the waterproof clipboard.

Oh yeah. A wonky fish-blob.

And an arrow that points the wrong way.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Can't Draw Smells!

Surfing-with-Whales comes out of Patrick's IGA with a waterproof marker.

She made me pay for it, says Surfing-with-Whales.

What did you expect? asks Gaius.

Can I have it? asks Terence.

Yeah, but don't draw a skull and crossbones, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Thought better of it? asks Gaius.

Felicia reckons it'd scare off the crabs, says Surfing-with-Whales.

It's meant to! says Terence.

If the crabs disappear, the maugean skates will go elsewhere, says Gaius.

Where? asks Terence.

That's what we won't know, says Gaius.

Maybe we don't need the waterproof clipboard, says Surfing-with-Whales. Felicia says she knows the spot where they released some baby skates a few months ago.

Excellent! says Gaius.

Bumhole! says Terence.

What's a bumhole? asks Little Mystic.

A hole in your bum! says Terence. I said it because I'm not allowed to draw a skull and crossbones.

Felicia comes out of the IGA.

I finish my shift at midday, says Felicia. After that I could show you the spot.

Ripper! says Surfing-with-Whales.

Thank you, Felicia, says Gaius. Shall we meet you back here ?

Where's your camp? asks Felicia.

Not far down the road, says Gaius, pointing.

Close to the water, says Surfing-with-Whales.

I'll find you, says Felicia.

She goes back inside.

What if she can't find us? asks Terence.

Why don't you make a sign? says Gaius. You could draw something distinctive on the waterproof clipboard, and prop it against a tree at the side of the road.

I can't draw smells! says Terence.

Distinctive means something to show that it's us, says Gaius. I'm sure you'll come up with some relevant pictures.

Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. Let's get going. Don't start drawing till we get back to camp. 

Gaius lifts Terence and Little Mystic into the pullalong with the clipboards and the lettuce and vinegar.

Surfing-with-Whales throws in the goggles and flippers, and they get going.

Why can't we start? asks Little Mystic.

The drawings would be wonky, says Terence. But we can start thinking.

Terence and Little Mystic look around the pullalong for inspiration.

How about that lettuce? asks Little Mystic. Felicia knows Gaius bought it.

Terence is about to say no, not the lettuce, when he has a brilliant idea.

A lettuce and crossbones!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Scare Them Off

Can I carry my clipboard? asks Terence.

Certainly, says Gaius. 

Can I draw on it? asks Terence.

Not yet, says Gaius. It's to record important information. Numbers only.

You can start drawing on mine, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Yay! says Terence. Little Mystic can help me.

I can't draw, says Little Mystic.

You can hold the clipboard while I draw the skull and crossbones, says Terence.

Okay, says Little Mystic. Are we starting right now?

Yes, says Terence. Who's got a pencil?

A pencil's no good, says Surfing-with-Whales. You need a waterproof marker.

You'd better go back into the IGA and buy one, says Gaius.

Surfing-with-Whales goes back in.

Forgotten something? asks Felicia.

I'm going to need a waterproof marker, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Over there, on aisle four, says Felicia.

Surfing-with-Whales goes to aisle four and picks up a waterproof marker.

He takes it back to the counter.

Six ninety five, says Felicia.

How about including it in the price of the waterproof clipboard? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Your friend paid for that, says Felicia.

So do it for him, says Surfing-with-Whales. He's on an important mission.

What mission? asks Felicia.

Counting maugean skates, says Surfing-with-Whales. They're endangered.

I know, says Felicia. They recently released some baby ones not far from here.

Yeah? says Surfing-with-Whales. Mind showing us where?

Maybe, says Felicia. Is the mission to check up on the babies, or just to do a random check on skate numbers in Macquarie Harbour?

Dunno, says Surfing-with-Whales. I'm just the diver. 

But you need a waterproof clipboard to record the numbers, says Felicia.

No, Terence is doing that, says Surfing-with-Whales.

That little kid? says Felicia. He doesnt look like he ought to be allowed in the water.

He isn't, says Surfing-with-Whales. He's going to draw a skull and crossbones on my waterproof clipboard so that..... 

Go on, says Felicia. You'll be using my goggles, so I'm kind of interested.

Okay, to show the bottom-dwelling-crabs our intentions, says Surfing-with-Whales. The crabs are what skates feed on.

A skull and crossbones will just scare them off, says Felicia.

Surfing-with-Whales thinks about this. 

Felicia is right.

Monday, January 13, 2025

What The Ex Boyfriend Had

This is my daughter, Felicia, says Patrick. 

Who's buying my old goggles and flippers? asks Felicia.

Me, says Surfing-with-Whales. But I'll try 'em on first.

He adjusts the goggle straps, and tries on the goggles.

All good, except for one thing.

I'll give them a clean, if you buy them, says Felicia.

Okay, let me try on the flippers, says Surfing-with-Whales.

She hands him the flippers.

They should fit you better than me, says Felicia.

Too big were they? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

They were my boyfriend's, says Felicia. 

How come you're selling them? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

We broke up, says Felicia.

Did he have toe fungus? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Not that I noticed, says Felicia. Why are you asking?

His feet were inside these flippers, says Surfing-with-Whales.

So were mine, says Felicia. And so were dad's once or twice.

Maybe I won't buy the flippers, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Make up your mind, says Gaius. Time's a-wasting. But I should point out that vinegar is an effective disinfectant.

Okay, says Surfing-with-Whales. How much do you want for the goggles and flippers?

Twenty dollars, says Felicia.

That's not including the vinegar, says Patrick. Vinegar's over there on aisle two. 

I'll get the vinegar, says Gaius. And a lettuce, while I'm about it.

He heads to aisle two, picks up a bottle of vinegar and returns via the fruit and veg department with a bagged iceberg lettuce.

I'll take these and the fish socks, says Gaius. Plus two clipboards. My colleague will pay for the goggles and flippers.

Can you lend me a twenty? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Sorry, no cash, says Gaius.

I want cash, says Felicia. 

So Surfing with Whales is obliged to use his mum's credit card to get a cash advance to pay Felicia for her ex boyfriend's goggles and flippers.

But basically, everyone's got what they wanted.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Quantum Patricks

It's easy to find Patrick's IGA.

It has Patrick's IGA on the front in large letters.

This will be it, says Gaius. It looks well-stocked and colourful.

They leave their bikes and the pullalong outside and go in.

Surfing-with-Whales heads straight for the counter.

Got any goggles and flippers?

Sorry, no, says the person behind the counter who could be, but may not be, Patrick.

Know where I could get them?, hmm.... says may-not-be-Patrick.

So that's a no, says Surfing with Whales. What about clipboards?

Clipboards I can do, says may-not-be Patrick.

(To save words, let's call him not-Patrick).

We're a newsagency as well as an IGA , says not-Patrick.

Cool, says Surfing-with-Whales. I'll take two, one waterproof and one normal.

You going diving? asks not-Patrick.

When I get the goggles and flippers, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Terence comes up to the counter.

Guess what?

What? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Gaius is buying fish socks! says Terence.

The fish socks are very popular, says not-Patrick.

Am I getting a clipboard? asks Terence.

Yeah, they have clipboards , but not goggles and flippers, says Surfing-with-Whales.

My daughter has some she never uses, says not-Patrick. She might be persuaded to sell them.

What size feet does she have? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Quite big ones, says not-Patrick. Wait here.

Not-Patrick goes out the back to look for his daughter's old goggles and flippers.

Which may indicate that he is in fact Patrick.

But to be on the safe side, let's continue to call him not-Patrick.

Gaius comes up to the counter with orange fish socks.

How do you like these? asks Gaius. 'Gone fishing' socks. Pity they're orange.

They'll be easy to find, says Surfing-with-Whales..

Not too loud? asks Gaius.

Not-Patrick returns with his daughter, who is carrying a plastic bag containing goggles and flippers.

She is not a large person, but her goggles and flippers are big.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

How Do I Know?

Is it morning? asks Little Mystic.

Yes, says Terence. 

Did I go to sleep? asks Little Mystic.

Yes, says Terence.

So what's going to happen? says Little Mystic.

Everything, says Terence. We're buying goggles and flippers and a clipboard today. Maybe two clipboards.

Maybe? says Little Mystic.

Probably, says Terence. Wake up everybody!

Gaius wakes up, under his tree.

Arh-ugh! says Gaius, rubbing his shoulder. What time is it?

Morning, says Terence. 

So it is, says Gaius.

He shakes Surfing-with-Whales, who is still asleep under the blanket.

Whaa..? says Surfing-with-Whales. Morning already?

It is, says Gaius. I believe you're planning to buy goggles and flippers today.

And two clipboards, says Terence.

I think one would suffice, says Gaius.

Surfing-with-Whales stands up. 

What's for breakfast?

There's one apple, says Gaius. And a scrape of peanut butter in the bottom of the jar.

I feel like coffee and a muffin, says Surfing-with-Whales. I'm heading into Strahan. Who's coming?

We'll all go, says Gaius. Now that you've mentioned coffee and a muffin.

Let's go! says Terence. 

They grab their bikes, and with Terence and Little Mystic in the pullalong, head into Strahan.

They stop at the Coffee Shack, opposite the cruise departure terminal.

The Coffee Shack is full of salmon fishery workers, eating muffins.

Surfing-with-Whales orders a spinach and feta muffin, and a flat white.

Gaius orders the same for himself, plus a red drink for Terence.

They sit down near a table of salmon fishery workers.

Tourists? asks one of the salmon fishery workers.

No, says Gaius. Ecologists. Checking on numbers of maugean skates.

Good luck with that, says the salmon fishery worker.

Thank you, says Gaius. I don't suppose you've seen any recently?

The salmon fishery workers laugh, and keep eating their muffins.

Anyone know where I can buy goggles and flippers? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

And two clipboards, says Terence.

And socks, says Gaius, remembering he's short of a sock.

Try Patrick's IGA, says the salmon fishery worker. Anyhow, gotta go. Shift starts in fifteen minutes.

The salmon fishery workers get up and leave.

Helpful, says Gaius.

Never seen goggles and flippers in an IGA, says Surfing-with-Whales.

No, says Gaius. Perhaps he just meant us to ask there.

Makes sense, says Surfing-with-Whales. Okay let's go.

NOW everything's going to happen, says Terence.

I believe you, says Little Mystic. Do you think Patrick's IGA will sell socks?

How do I know? says Terence.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Crabs Go Oo-lay-o


Gaius makes himself comfortable under a tree.

Surfing-with-Whales looks for his blanket.

Where could it be?

He looks into the pullalong.

And there is the blanket.

Little Mystic is curled up in the corner.

Move yourself, says Surfing-with-Whales. I need the blanket.

Okay, says Little Mystic. I don't mind shivering.

Sorry, says Surfing-with-Whales. But I do. 

Little Mystic moves off the blanket.

I'll get Terence, says Surfing-with-Whales.

He calls Terence. 

What? asks Terence.

Little Mystic is cold, says Surfing-with-Whales, and I've taken the blanket.

That's MEAN, says Terence. You should take him as well.

I don't want to roll over on him, says Surfing-with-Whales. Why don't you keep him company.

Okay, says Terence.

Surfing-with-Whales lifts Terence into the pullalong and heads off with the blanket, to find a good tree. 

I'm here, says Terence.

Sing to me, says Little Mystic.

Terence is flattered. He is not often asked.

Okay, says Terence. Close your eyes and I'll sing you a song of what's going to happen.

I'd like that, says Little Mystic. Then I'll know what's going to happen.

You might not, says Terence.

Why not? asks Little Mystic. 

You might fall asleep, says Terence.

I won't, says Little Mystic.

Terence starts singing his song about what's going to happen:

in the morning, we will go

to buy a clipboard


I'll draw a skull and crossbones

on the clipboard


Surfing-with-Whales will dive with the clipboard and show

it to crabs


and the crabs will go 

oo-lay o

we don't know

and we've lost our brother, where did he go?


and Surfing-with-Whales will say

that is something I know


if you show me the skates, where they go,

I will show you your brother 

in a sock full of cabbage 


Terence stops singing.

Then what? asks Little Mystic.

I thought you'd be sleeping by now, says Terence.

It's too thrilling, says Little Mystic.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Not Killing Anything

I see you've removed the poultice, says Gaius.

Er, yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales.

It fell off in the water, says Terence.

And my sock? asks Gaius.

That too, says Surfing-with-Whales. I could go back and look for it.

It's getting too dark, says Gaius. 

In the morning, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Do crabs eat socks? asks Terence.

I doubt it, says Gaius. But they might be attracted by cabbage inside the sock.

Then what? asks Terence.

Gaius is pleased that Terence is asking these questions. 

Demonstrating an interest in crustacean behaviour.

The crab may crawl inside the sock, says Gaius. To get to the cabbage.

Would it eat the cabbage? asks Terence.

Crabs do eat plant material, says Gaius. 

What if it couldn't get out of the sock? asks Terence.

A good question, says Gaius. And when Surfing-with-Whales finds my sock, we shall find out the answer.

He looks across at Surfing-with-Whales to see if he's listening. 

But he isn't. He's looking at his phone, which is ringing.

Ring ring. He answers.

It's Sweezus.

Hey! says Sweezus. How's it going?

Great, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Still in Tassie? asks Sweezus.

Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. We're in Strahan.

So you won't be back next Saturday for the Tour Down Under, says Sweezus.

No way bro, says Surfing-With Whales. Pity.

No worries, says Sweezus. How's Terence? 

I'll put him on, says Surfing-with-Whales.

He hands Terence the phone.

Hey, little buddy, says Sweezus, Keeping out of trouble?

Guess what? says Terence. It was Christmas and I didn't get a present not even a squirt gun, but I'm getting a clipboard and I have to draw a skull and crossbones on it.

What for? asks Sweezus. 

To show the crabs what we're looking for, says Terence.

I thought it was some kind of skate, says Sweezus.

It is, says Terence. 

And why do the crabs need to see it? asks Sweezus

So they think we want to kill them, says Terence.

What's this? asks Gaius. Were not killing anything.

What did Gaius say? asks Sweezus.

We're not killing anything, says Terence. But the crab might get stuck in his sock.

Why is... begins Sweezus, but thinks better of it.

Yeah well good luck little buddy. And stay out of the water.

I will , says Terence.

Sweezus is glad that he called. 

Wouldn't want Surfing-with-Whales and Gaius turning up at the last minute expecting a place in Team Condor.

And it's good things are going okay in Tassie.

Along with the usual stuff.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Flippering Past

Why do you want a clipboard? asks Gaius.

To prove things, says Terence.

Such as? asks Gaius.

Surfing-with-Whales saw two skates, then he said he didn't, says Terence.

Maybe that means he didn't, says Gaius.

BUT, says Terence, I'd have written it down on my clipboard.

Indeed, says Gaius. However I don't have a clipboasrd. If I had one, I'd have used it as a surface to cut up the cabbage.

Lucky me, says Terence.

Why so? asks Gaius.

That would've ruined my clipboard, says Terence.

Surfing-with-Whales and Roo-kai have come back to the camp site.

What did you think of the water? asks Gaius.

I reckon I'll need goggles and flippers, says Surfing-with-Whales. And a waterproof clipboard.

You too? says Gaius. 

When I see any bottom-dwelling crabs, says Surfing-with-Whales. I'll show them the clipboard.

Instead of talking, says Roo-kai.

Bottom-dwelling crabs won't make head nor tail of your clipboard, says Gaius.

Yeah, but I was thinking of a picture, says Surfing-with-Whales. So they know what I'm looking for.

Put yourself in their place, says Gaius.

He's going to, says Terence.

I mean, see it their way, says Gaius. Someone comes goggling and flippering past with a picture of a maugean skate, their number one predator. Are they likely to point you in the right direction?

Good point, says Surfing-with-Whales.

He tries to put himself in the bottom-dwellers' position.

Probably depends what they think I'm gonna do when I find one.

I know! says Terence. A skull and cross bones! I'll do the drawing! 

Awesome, says Surfing-with-Whales. We'll head into Strahan tomorrow and buy everything. That's if Gaius agrees.

I don't need to agree, says Gaius. This is your hare-brained scheme.

Okay, but I thought... begins Surfing-with-Whales.

Think again, says Gaius.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Second Mollusc

Roo-kai spots a second mollusc.

The second mollusc has not spotted him.

Good afternoon, mollusc, says Roo-kai.

Blurt! says the mollusc.

A quick question, says Roo-kai.

Then you'll eat me! says the mollusc.

I may not, says Roo-kai.

What is it? asks the mollusc.

Any maugean skates around here? asks Roo-kai.

Too shallow, says the mollusc. You need to ask a bottom-dwelling crab.

How do I contact a bottom-dwelling crab? asks Roo-kai.

Don't ask me, says the mollusc.

If you don't know, says Roo-kai. I may as well eat you.

I knew it! says the mollusc.

Roo-kai eats the mollusc, but feels a bit bad.

He sees Surfing-with-Whales walking back to the campsite with Terence.

He joins them.

Guess what? says Terence. Surfing-with-Whales is getting goggles and flippers!

Great, says Roo-kai. Where from?

There must be a sports shop in Strahan, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Yes, there must, says Roo-kai. Want me to find out?

Nah, says Surfing-with-Whales. I'll take a look in the morning.

Okay, says Roo-kai.

Your supposed to help ME, says Terence.

What do you want? asks Roo-kai.

A clipboard, says Terence. 

Gaius might have one, says Roo-kai.

Terence runs ahead to ask Gaius if he has a clipboard.

Roo-kai looks at Surfing-with-Whales.

I try to be helpful, says Roo-kai.

I know, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

I asked a mollusc if it'd seen any skates, says Roo-kai.

What did it say? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Ask a bottom-dwelling crab, says Roo-kai.

And did you? asks Sufing-with-Whales.

I'm a shorebird, says Roo-kai.

Yeah, but it's a good suggestion, says Surfing-with-Whales.

You might do it yourself when you get your goggles and flippers, says Roo-kai.

Can't ask anything with my mouth shut, says Surfing-with-Whales.

You could write the question on a waterproof clipboard, says Roo-kai.

D'you reckon bottom-dwellers can read? asks Surfing-with-Whales. 

Worth a try, says Roo-kai. 

Sure is, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Best keep it short, though, says Roo-kai. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Ask A Mollusc

Apple? asks Gaius.

Not after that cabbage, says Surfing-with-Whales. I might walk down to the water.

So your ankle feels better? asks Gaius.

Yeah, a lot better, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Cabbage at both ends, says Gaius. 

Surfing-with-Whales ignores him.

He stands up and walks down to the water.

He'll be fine to go diving tomorrow.

He imagines himself going in, wearing goggles, and flippers.

It occurs to him that he hasn't brought goggles or flippers.

Okay. He'll have to ask Gaius to fork out for goggles and flippers.

He continues to imagine himself going in.

Terence has followed him.

Are you going in now? asks Terence.

Not yet, says Surfing-with-Whales. I need goggles and flippers.

And me, says Terence.

What will you do? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Stand here and wait till you come out and give me a number, says Terence. Then I 'll write down the number.

Wanna practise? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Yes! says Terence.

Surfing-with-Whales walks into the water up to his waist and ducks under the water.

He stands up and raises two fingers.

Two! says Terence.

Surfing wirh-Whales squelches out.

Shit, says Surfing with-Whales. Lost my poultice. And Gaius's sock. He won't be happy.

Yes he will ! says Terence. You saw two skates already.

He starts to run back to tell Gaius that Surfing-with-Whales has seen two skates already.

Stop! says Surfing-with-Whales. No I didn't. That was a practice.

It still counts, says Terence.

Only if I'd actually seen them, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Boo! says Terence. You lied.

Roo-kai is nearby searching for molluscs.

He finds one.

He prongs it, shakes it and swallows.

It occurs to him that the mollusc might have known if there were skates in the area.

Too late now.

But he'll ask the next mollusc.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

It All Would Have Happened

Gaius has located a knife. 

Now to cut up the cabbage.

But what on?

What're you looking for? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

A flat surface, says Gaius. 

He looks around for something useful.

Aha! says Gaius. Terence, would you mind me using your skateboard?

Okay, says Terence. 

Gaius lifts the skateboard out of the pullalong.

What's he doing? asks Little Mystic.

He's having a go on my skateboard, says Terence.

With a cabbage? says Little Mystic.

They watch Gaius. 

Will he skate with the cabbage? 

No. He is putting it down.

He's letting the cabbage go first, says Terence.

A cabbage can't do it, says Little Mytic. It hasn't got legs.

Let's see what happens, says Terence.

Gaius kneels beside the skatebord and starts chopping.

With a knife!

Wah! cries Terence/

What's up? asks Surfing-with-Whales, looking up from the notes on the maugean skate.

Gaius is chopping my skateboard! says Terence.

He's chopping the cabbage, says Surfing-with-Whales. Weren't you listening?

I was listening to you, says Terence. How come you stopped?

A diagram, says Surfing-with-Whales. You can't read a diagram out loud.

You should have said, says Terence.

Yes, says Little Mystic, then none of this would have happened.

It all would have happened, says Surfing-with-Whales. But look at this. This is what a maugean skate looks like.

A starfish! says Terence. No, a fruitbat. No... an umbrella.

No way does it look like an umbrella, says Surfing-with-Whales, It looks like a stingray.

Yikes, says Terence.

Done! says Gaius. We'll use the skateboard for a table.

Cool, says Surfing-with-Whales. Wheel it over here. Can someone get my mum's cheese?

I assume you're not totally helpless, says Gaius.

Okay. Looks like Surfing-with-Whales will have to get his own cheese.

He stands up.

Tests his ankle.

It feels fine. 

He walks to his bicycle, and rummages in his backpack for the peppercorn cheddar.

He finds it and hands it to Gaius, who opens the packaging, shaves off a few slices, and crumbles them over the chopped cabbage.

Thereby creating a not-too-bad dinner.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Bottom Dwellers

So are we camping here? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Why not? says Gaius. It's near the water, and it's not a long walk to the shops.

Where you bought the cabbage, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Indeed, says Gaius.

Anything else? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

No. I thought we'd dine on the rest of the cabbage, says Gaius.

Great, says Surfing-with-Whales. I might eat mum's cheese after all.

A welcome addition, says Gaius.

Surfing-with-Whales has remained on the grass with his foot up.

It feels better already.

Here are my notes, says Gaius. I'll shred the cabbage while you peruse them.

What can I do? asks Terence.

Look for a knife, says Gaius. No, on second thoughts, don't do that. I'll find one. Sit beside Surfing-with-Whales and listen.

Listen to what? asks Terence.

If you ask him to read the notes out loud, I'm sure he will do it, says Gaius. 

Okay, says Surfing-with-Whales. I'll do it.

I haven't asked you, says Terence.

Do you want me to? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Yes, says Terence.

He sits down next to Surfing-with-Whales, who starts reading:

Maugean skates mostly live in brackish water about 5 to 15 metres deep, feeding on bottom dwelling crabs....

Ha ha! laughs Terence. 

What's so funny? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Everything, says Terence. 

The word bottom, says Gaius, in this case, means the bottom of the harbour, which is where the crabs live. Hence bottom dwelling.

Not people's bottoms, says Terence.

No, says Gaius.

Surfing-with-Whales continues reading: Maugean skates live only in Macquarie Harbour, and are heading for extinction. Forty seven percent of the population was wiped out in 2019. Shizz!

Shizz? says Gaius. 

He is still looking for a knife but is listening.

Sheeez! says Surfing-with-Whales. How'd they even know that? And how come?

Salmon farming, says Gaius. Fish food and faeces sink to the bottom and decompose, thus further depleting already low oxygen levels.

Oh, yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. It says all that here.

Yes it does, says Gaius. You'll find my notes comprehensive.

Super comprehensive, says Surfing-with-Whales.  There's even stuff about fried carrot cake.

Is there? asks Gaius. Sometimes extraneous things do slip in.

Is it gonna be a cole slaw? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

What? asks Gaius.

Dinner, says Surfing-with-Whales.

A very plain cole slaw, says Gaius. You'll have to imagine the carrot.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Dirty Side IN

Surfing-with-Whales takes the green sock from Gaius, and sniffs it.

Extend your leg, says Gaius. But you should sit down first. 

Surfing-with-Whales sits on the grass, extending his leg.

You can probably do this yourself, says Gaius. Take this cabbage leaf and wrap it round your ankle.

Can I do it? asks Terence.

Go ahead, says Surfing-with-Whales. Is this green sock clean?

It hardly matters, says Gaius. The cabbage will be between it and your ankle.

So, it's not clean, says Surfing-with-Whales.

I may have worn it a few times, says Gaius. Terence, start wrapping.

Terence wraps a green cabbage leaf round Surfing-with-Whales's ankle.

It doesn't go all the way round, says Terence.

Here is a second leaf, says Gaius. And you may need a third.

Okay, says Terence, taking the second leaf.

The first leaf drops off. 

It's not working, says Terence.

Yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. Let me hold it in place.

I'll have the sock ready, says Gaius.

Turn it inside out first, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Dirty side IN? says Gaius.

Um, yeah, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Your choice, says Gaius, turning the sock inside out.

Terence replaces the first cabbage leaf.

Surfing-with-Whales fills the gap with the second, and holds it in place.

Gaius rolls up the inside out sock.

Let go now, Terence, says Gaius.

Terence lets go.

Surfing-with-Whales eases his fingers out of the unfurling sock.

And it's done!

That should do the trick, says Gaius. Just go about your business as usual and let the cabbage poultice do its healing work.

Great, says Surfing-with-Whales. How long for?

A day or two, says Gaius.

What about diving? asks Surfing-with-Whales. That's what I came for.

Yes, the maugean skates! says Gaius. We'll set up camp near the water, and I'll poke about a bit. 

Me too, says Terence.

You are not to enter the water, says Gaius. Your job will be to record our findings.

What'll I do in the meantime? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Study my notes, says Gaius. The more you know about maugean skates, the better.

Gotcha, says Surfing-with-Whales.

Cool. For the next few days he can relax by the lake while his ankle gets better.

 And learn stuff.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Sock Of Suspicion

Geez! says Surfing-with-Whales. When's he going to get back?

I'll go and see if he's coming, says Little Mystic.

How? asks Terence.

Fly up and look down, says little Mystic.

Which way? asks Terence.

Straight up, says Little Mystic. 

Go on then, says Terence.

Little Mystic flies up and looks down.

Flap-flap. Roo-kai flies up behind him.

Looking for Gaius? asks Roo-kai.

Yes, says Little Mystic. Are you looking too?

Yes, says Roo-kai. He's been shopping. Bought a cabbage, if I'm not mistaken.

This is my first time looking for someone, says Little Mystic.

I thought so, says Roo-kai. That's very enterprising. Well, he's coming. Why don't you fly down and tell them.

Me? says Little Mystic.

You, says Roo-kai.

Okay, says Little Mystic.

Hurry, says Roo-kai. There's no point if he gets back before you tell them.

Is he close? asks Little Mystic.

Very close, says Roo-kai. But you're closer.

Little Mystic drops down

Did you find him? asks Terence.

He's on his way back with a cabbage, says Little Mystic.

Great, says Surfing-with-Whales. So I'm getting a cabbage poultice. 

Yes you are , says Gaius, arriving with the cabbage. How's the ankle?

Still purple, says Surfing-with-Whales.

This'll have you fixed in a jiffy, says Gaius.

Guess what? asks Terence.

What? asks Gaius. ripping leaves from the cabbage.

Little Mystic flew up to find you, says Terence. And he told us you were coming. So we already knew.

Wonderful, says Gaius. Little Mystic has the makings of a very fine parrot.

Little Mystic looks proud.

Now to apply the poultice, says Gaius. 

Yeah, how? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Inside your sock would be ideal, says Gaius. But I see you're not wearing any.

I never wear 'em, says Surfing-with-Whales.

You'll have to borrow one of mine, says Gaius. 

He rummages in his back pack and pulls out a green sock.

Surfing-with-Whales eyes the sock with suspicion.