Surfing-with-Whales thinks he may have swum out too far.
What depth did Gaius say the skates favoured?
He can't remember.
Maybe he should stop and dive down.
If he sees one, he'll keep going.
He takes a deep breath and dives down.
An old maugean skate happens to be on the bottom, searching for bottom-dwelling crabs.
The old maugean skate looks up to see a pair of swimming goggles.
Through the swimming goggles, Surfing-with-Whales sees the old maugean skate.
Pity I can't ask it a question, thinks Surfing-with-Whales.
He points upwards, just in case.
He swims up to the surface and takes a deep breath.
He looks around. The old skate hasn't followed
Fuck this, says Surfing-with-Whales. At least I've seen one. May as well keep going.
He swims a few strokes, then stops.
Maybe he needs to re-think.
He floats on his back, re-thinking.
He's supposed to be following the third baby skate...
And he doesn't know if he is or he isn't....
But he probably isn't....
It could've made a left turn or a right turn or done a u-ey...
How would he know?...
The best plan is to go back to where he last saw the third baby skate...
Yeah, that makes sense...
He turns and heads back to the shore.
Any luck? asks Gaius.
Lost him, says Surfing-with-Whales. But when I was out there I dived to the bottom and saw a big old one.
Encouraging, says Gaius. What was it doing?
Staring, says Surfing-with-Whales.
I doubt it was staring, says Gaius. It was probably looking for bottom-dwelling crabs.
It stared at me, says Surfing-with-Whales. But it wouldn't follow me up to the surface.
Of course not, says Gaius. The main thing is, you saw it. Did you record it?
No, says Surfing- with-Whales. This clipboard's a liability. I need one of those clicker things.
Hm, says Gaius. I've never needed to use one of those.
Can we buy one? asks Surfing-with-Whales.
Better to improvise, says Gaius. Let me think about it.
Surfing-with-Whales takes off his flippers and goggles and steps out of the water.
Terence and Felicia appear, with Terence's skateboard.
Guess what? says Terence.
But Surfing-with-Whales had not heard the five minute conversation between Terence and third baby skate.
No way he'll guess what's coming.
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