The three baby skates agree to come close to the shore so that Terence can count them.
They follow Roo-kai.
Roo-kai signals to Terence.
What? asks Terence, squinting up at Roo-kai.
Roo-kai drops down close to his ear.
There are three baby skates swimming towards you, says Roo-kai.
Three! says Terence. Little Mystic, get me my clipboard.
There's no paper on it, says Little Mystic. You'll have to remember.
Okay, says Terence.
The three baby skates have come close to the shore.
Terence steps forward.
Don't! advises Roo-kai.
Just one more step, says Terence.
He takes another step forward, into the muddy water.
The three baby skates glide in even closer.
Hello, says the first one, having risen to the surface.
One! says Terence.
Three, says the first baby skate.
Where are the others? asks Terence.
The first baby skate signals the others, who also surface.
Three! says Terence.
Now you know, says the first baby skate. Can we ask a question?
Why am I sinking? asks Terence.
Come out! squawks Roo-kai.
They want to ask me a question, says Terence.
It won't take long, says the first baby skate.
Me sinking? asks Terence.
The question, says the first baby skate. Does your science guy want his sock back?
Yes, says Terence. Have you found it?
We know where it is, says the first baby skate.
That's good, says Terence. Is the cabbage leaf still in it?
Unless a bottom dwelling crab ate it, says the first baby skate.
The sock or the leaf? asks Terence.
Terence! shouts Roo-kai. Take a step backwards!
Can't, says Terence. The mud's sucking me down.
Kek-kek! says Little Mystic. I'll fetch Gaius.
The cabbage leaf, says the first baby skate. Everyone knows crabs don't eat socks.
What about bamboo socks? asks Terence.
No such thing, scoffs the first baby skate.
Yes there is, says Terence. Sweezus has some.
Who's Sweezus? asks the first baby skate.
A cool guy I know, says Terence.
Can we go now? ask the second and third baby skates.
Gaius comes running, followed by Surfing-with-Whales.
Is that him? asks the first baby skate.
Is what him? asks Terence, who is facing away from his rescuers.
Surfing-with-Whales yanks Terence up out of the water.
No it's not him, says Terence. And it's not his sock either.
The baby skates look disappointed.
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