Friday, January 17, 2025

Bit Of A Mouthful

Surfing with-Whales turns the clipboard upside down.

Now Terence's bone-arrow points the right way.

The wonky lettuce/fish-blob doesn't look all that different.

He wonders what Felicia will make of it.

He wheels his bike back to the campsite.

Did you see my sign? asks Terence.

How else do you think I got here? asks Surfing-with-Whales.

Yay! It works! says Terence.

But he knows where we're camping already, says Little Mystic.

I imagined I didn't, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Gaius returns from his search for a bowl for the lettuce.

Couldn't find a bowl, says Gaius. But not to worry. I'll tear up the lettuce and put it back in the bag that it came in.

Great, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Then I'll simply sprinkle it with vinegar, says Gaius. A healthy light lunch.

I thought the vinegar was for disinfecting my flippers, says Surfing-with-Whales.

You won't need all of it, says Gaius. But you should start disinfecting it now. 

Yeah, but I've got a spongy back tyre, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Pump it up then, says Gaius. I'll deal with your flippers.

Thanks, says Surfing-with-Whales.

It's going to be a late lunch.

So late that Felicia has finished her shift and come down the road to look for their campsite.

She stops at the sign.

Aw. That's nice. They must've made it to help her locate their campsite.

But the clipboard's upside down. 

Is it deliberate?

Or has someone interfered with the clipboard?

It's that way, says Roo-kai, dropping down.

Shit! says Felicia. 

Apologies for startling you, says Roo-kai. But if you're looking for Terence and his companions, this upside down sign points the right way.

Actually, says Felicia. I hear the sounds of pumping, in that direction.

That will be Surfing-with-Whales. His back tyre has gone spongy, says Roo-kai.

Which one of them's Surfing-with-Whales? asks Felicia.

The younger of the two adults, says Roo-kai.

Cool name, says Felicia.

A bit of a mouthful, says Roo-kai.

Anyway, thanks, says Felicia.

She heads towards the sounds of the pumping.

Felicia! says Surfing-with-Whales. You found us!

Did you see my sign? asks Terence.

Yes, says Felicia. It was really helpful.

She drops her backpack to the ground. 

Takes out some clean sheets of paper, and hands them to Terence.

For your clipboard, when you're counting the skates, says Felicia. I also brought some stuff to go with that lettuce, if you guys haven't eaten it already.

We haven't, says Surfing-with-Whales. 

Not tomatoes I hope? says Gaius, looking up from disinfecting the flippers.

Not tomatoes, says Felicia. Olives, red peppers and garlic croutons. And a banana cake that's close to its best before date but should be okay.

Woo! Looks like it's lunch time!

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