Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Clasping Claspers

Several baby skates are fooling around in their favourite area.

Away from the old skates who don't like their new ways.

The third baby skate has come back.

What took you so long? ask the others.

I was grabbed by the tail, says the third baby skate.

The others gather round. 

How did you escape? asks a baby skate.

I didn't, says the third baby skate. I was let go, and I'm going back later.

Going back later? says another baby skate.

That's what I said, says the third baby skate.

What for? asks another.

I'm getting a ride on a skateboard, says the third baby skate. 

These babies were raised in a lab, before being released in Macquarie Harbour, so they know what a skateboard is. 

No one asks: What is a skateboard?

Instead they ask: What about us? 

Come back with me, says the third baby skate. I might not be wide enough anyway.

Is it a standard size skateboard? asks one.

I haven't seen it, says third baby. But I'm supposed to hold on with my claspers.

Maybe two of us could go on it together, says another. Clasping claspers.

That's what I was thinking, says the third baby skate.

When are you going back? asks another baby skate.

I didn't ask, says third baby. But there's a guy following me. 

No there isn't, says the other baby skate.

There was, says third baby. I agreed to let him. He wanted to count us.

So where is he? wonder all the baby skates. 

Let's go out to meet him, says the third baby skate. He'll be heading this way.

But in fact, there is no reason why Surfing-with-Whales would be heading this way.

Third baby had taken a left turn at one point.

And Surfing-with-Whales was too far behind him to see.

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