Sunday, January 26, 2025

All Socks are Green

Terence is safe now.

Gaius leans over the water.

Three baby skates, says Gaius. Most encourgaging.

Have you lost a sock? asks the first baby skate.

Interesting you should ask that, says Gaius. Have you found one?

We know where one is, says the seond baby skate.

It could well be mine, says Gaius. Is it a green one?

All socks are green, says the third skate.

You may think so, says Gaius. But I was obliged to replace my green socks with orange ones.

Orange socks! says the first skate. That's a first. Are you wearing them now?

Not yet, says Gaius. They are still joined together.

The first baby skate wonders how that works.

Of course, says Gaius, I'll snip them apart when I do want to wear them.

The first baby skate is glad he didn't ask a dumb question.

Gaius continues. I am not in a hurry to wear them.

Oh? says the first baby skate. 

Because they have the words Gone Fishing woven into the fabric, says Gaius.

The first baby skate turns to go.

Do not go, says Gaius. I have no intention of fishing.

What then? asks the first baby skate.

Are there many more of you? asks Gaius. And if so, would you mind telling us how to find them?

Yes and no, says the first baby skate.

And sinking to the muddy bottom he undulates away. 

The second baby skate follows.

The third baby skate is about to disappear in a similar fashion when Gaius grabs at his tail, to prevent him from leaving.

Yes and no? says Gaius. Does that not mean that yes there are more of you and no you don't mind telling us how to find them?

Don't ask me, says the third baby skate. I didn't say it.

But your friend did, says Gaius.

He might have meant no he didnt mind but he might have meant no he wouldn't tell you, says the third baby skate.

That's a tricky one, says Gaius.

Mind if I go now? asks the third baby skate.

Yes and no, answers Gaius.

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